Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1390

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74TH C ONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 405. MAY 15, 1936 . suit s instituted agai nst the Commissio ner of Patents ; f or ex p e ns e s (in an amount not to exceed $500) of attendance at meetings con- cerned with the work of the Patent Office when incurred on the writ ten authority of the Secretary of Commerce, and for other con- tingent and miscellaneous expenses of the Patent Office, $45,000 . Printing and binding : For printing the weekly issue of patents, designs, trade marks, prints, and labels, exclusive of illustrations ; and for printing, engraving illustrations, and binding the Official Gaze tte, including we ekly and annual i ndices, $958,700 ; f o r m i s c e l- laneous printing and binding, $56,300 ; in all, $1,015,000 . UNITED STATES SHIPPING BOARD BUREAU Salaries and expenses : To carry out the provisions of the Shipping Act, 1916, as amended, the Merchant Marine Acts of 1920 and 1928, as amended, the Intercoastal Shipping Act, 1933 (U . S . C ., title 46, sees. 741-790, 801-848, 861-889, 891-891x, 911-984)

and Executive Order Numbered 6166 (June 10, 1933), including the compensation of attorneys, officers, naval architects, special experts, examiners, and clerks, one technical expert in connection with construction loan fund, and other employees in the District of Columbia and else- where ; and for other expenses of the Bureau, including the rental of quarters outside the District of Columbia, traveling expenses of em- ployees of the Bureau, while upon official business away from their designated posts of duty, including not to exceed $300 for attendance at meetings or conventions of members of any society or association, the purpose of which is of interest to the development and main- tenance of an American merchant ma ri ne, when incurred on the written authority of the Secretary of Commerce, and for the employ- ment by contract of e xpert stenographi c reporters for i ts official reporting work, $249,000, of which amount not to exceed $243,000 may be expended for p ersonal services in the District o f Columbia Provided, That no part of this appropriation shall be used to pay any salary at a rate in excess of $8,000 per annum except that this limitation shall not apply to the salary of the Director of the Bu- reau : Provided further, That the annual estimates of the Shipping Board Bureau for the fiscal year 1938 shall be accompanied bya sta tement sh owing the number and compensa tion of em ployees o f the Fleet Corporation assigned to that Bureau : Prov ided fur ther, Th at e mplo yees of t he M erch ant Fleet Cor pora tion assi gned to and' ser vi ng w ith the Shipping Board Bureau whose compensation is with in the range of s alary prescribed for the appropria te grade to whic h the position ha s been allocated under the Classif ication Act of 1923, as amended, shall not be subject to reduction in salary by r eason of their tr ansfer during the fiscal year 1937 to the pay roll of the Bureau . Shipping fund : For expenses of the United . States Shipping B oard Merchant Fleet Corporation during the scal year ending June 30, 1937, for ad ministrative purp oses, including t he salaries of employees (not to exceed $158,000) of the Fleet Corporation assigned to the Shipping Board Bureau, miscellaneous adjustments, losses due to the maintenance and operation of ships, including oper- ation through an agreement to pay a lump-sum compensation, for the repair of shins, for the purchase, exchange, maintenance, repair, and operation of motor vehicles for official purposes only ; for the payment of premiums for liability, fire, theft, property damage, and collision insurance and for other forms of insurance, including 104019'-36-85 1345 Attenda nce at meet . ings . Printing and binding . United States Ship- pin g Bo ard Bure au . Salaries and expe nses . Vol. 39, p. 728; Vol. 41, p . 988; Vol. 45, p. 689 . U.S.C.,p.2051. Prorisoe . Salarre restriction . Personnel statement to accompany esti- mates . Salary status, Mer- ch ant Fl eet Co rpo ra- tion transfers. Shipping fund . Expenses of Mer- chant Fleet Corpora- ti on.