Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1488

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74TH C ONGRESS . SESS. II. CH . 489. JU NE 4, 1936 . $250,000 : Provided, That no part of this appropriation shall be used to pay the cost or value of trees or other property injured or de stroyed . Dutch elm disease eradication : For control and prevention of sp read of the Dutch elm disease in t he United States, $261,156, to be immediately available : Provided, That no part of this appropria- tion shall be used to pay the cost or value of trees or other property injured or destroyed . Truck crop and garden insects : For insects affecting truck crops, or namental, and gar den plants, inclu ding tobacco, sug ar beets, and g reen house and bul bous crop s, $ 366, 418 . Cereal and forage insects : For insects affecting cereal and forage cr ops, including su garcane and rice, and including re search on the Europe an corn borer, $3 72,229, including not exceeding $15,000 for investigation of the means of control of the Mormon cricket . European corn borer control : For the control and prevention of spread of the European corn borer and for the certification of prod- ucts out of the infested areas to meet the requirements of State quarantines on account of the European corn borer, $32,939 . Barberry eradication : For t he eradication of the common barbe rry and for applying such other methods of eradication, control and prevention of spread of cereal rusts as in the judgment of the Secre- tary of Agriculture may be necessary to accomplish such purposes, $200,000 : Provided, That $30,000 o f this amount sh all be available for expenditure only when an equal amount shall have been appro- priated, subscribed, or contributed by States, counties, or local au- th orit ies, or b y in divi duals or orga nizat ions for the acco mpli sh- ment of such purposes : Provided further, That no part of the money herein appropriated shall be used to pay the cost or value of prop- erty injured or destroyed . Cotton insects : F or ins ects affec ting c otton , $14 7,244 . Pink bollworm control : For the con trol and preventi on of spread of the pink bollworm, including the establishment of such cotton- free areas as may be necessary to stamp out any infestation, and for necess ary surveys and c ontrol operations in Mexico in coo pera- tion with the Mexican Government or local Mexican authorities, $276,839 . Thurberia weevil control : For the control an d prevent ion of spread of the Thurberia weevil, $2,808 . Bee culture : For bee culture and apiary management, $75,500 . Insects affecting man and animals : For insects affecting man, household possessions, and animals, $150,148 . Insect pest survey and identification : For the identification and clas sific ation of i nsects , inc ludin g taxo nomic , mor pholog ical, and re- lated phases of insect pest control, the importation and exchange of useful insects, and the maintenance of an insect pest survey for the collection and disseminatio n of information to Federal, State , and other agencies concerned with insect pest control, $134,798 . Control investigations : For developing equipment or apparatus to aid in enforcing plant quarantines, eradication and control of plant pes ts, deter mini ng m etho ds of dis infe cting pla nts and plant pro d- ucts to eliminate injurious pests, deter mining the toxicity of insecti- cides, and related phases of insect pest control, $62,518 . Insecticide and fungicide investigations : For the investigation and development of methods of manufacturing insecticides and fungi- cides, and for investigating chemical problems relating to the com- posi tion , act ion, and app licat ion of i nsect icid es a nd f ungic ides , $148,984 . 1 443 Pr oviso . No indemnitre for destroreed trees, etc . Du tch elm disease, eradi catio n . Proviso . No indemni tre for destroyed trees, etc. Truck crop and gar- den insects . Cerea l and forage insects. Mormon cricket. European corn borer control . Barber rre eradic ation . Provisos . State, etc., contribu- tions . No indemnitre for propert re destro yed . Cotton insects . Pink bollworm con - trol . Cooperation with Mexico . Thurberia weevil control . Bee culture . I nsect s aff ectin g man and animals . Identification and classification of insects . Dissemination of in- formation . Control investiga- tion s. Insecticide and fun- gicide investigations .