Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1558

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74TH CONGRESS . SESS. II. CHS. 548, 549 . JUNE 15, 1936 .

1513 such easements as estimated by the Chief of Engineers shall have been obtained at prices deemed reasonable by the Chief of Engineers and not exceeding in the aggregate $2,250,000 for said 75 per centum of said ease ments with resp ect t o the floo dway west of th e Atc ha- falaya River : Pro vid ed fur the r, That easements required in said Wrest Atchafalaya Floodway in connection with roads and othe r public utilities owned by States or other political subdivisions shall be provided without cost to the United States upon condition that the United States shall provide suitable crossings, including surfac- Constructionofcross- ings ; repair of damages, ing o f like cha racter, ov er floodwa y guide-li ne levees for all im proved etc . roads in said West Atchafalaya Floodway now constituting a part of the State highway system, and shall repair all damage done to said highways within said West Atchafalaya Floodway by the actual use of such floodway for diversion : Provided further, That no flow- eL EaembJts a prop- ti es age easements shall be paid for by the United States over properties a IIn Atc hafala ya subject to frequent overflow in the Atchafalaya Basin below t he Payments. appr oximate l atitude of Krotz Springs : Provided further, T hat pay ment for r ights -of-w ay, e aseme nts, and f lowag e rig hts a cquir ed under this section, or reimbursement to the States or local interests furnishing them, shall be made as soon as the Chief of Engineers is satisfied that such rights-of-way, easements, or flowage rights have been acquired in conformity with local custom or legal procedure in such matters ; and, thereafter, no liabi lity of an y kind sha ll attach No Federal liability for flood damages . to or rest upon the nited States for any further damage by reason of diversions or flood wate rs : And provided further That if the use of sums for ac- quiring land for nation- Secretary of Agriculture shall determine to acquire any of the prop- al forests, etc. erties within the floodways herein referred to, for national forests, wildlife refuges, or other purposes of his Department, the Secretary of W ar may, u pon reco mmendatio n by the Chief of Engineer s, in lieu of acquiring flowage r ights, advance to or reimburse the said Secr etary of A gricu lture sums equa l to those that woul d oth erwis e be used for the purchase of easements desired by the War Depart- ment and the Secretary of Agriculture is authorized to use these sums for the purpose of acquiring properties in the floodways in question. SEC . 13 . That $272,000,000 is hereby authorized to be appropriated thApaed .priation au. for the carrying out of the modified adopted project, and all unex- unex pend ed be l- pended balances of appropri ations heretofore made for the prosecu- mess available . tion of said flood-control project are hereby made available for the purposes of this Act . SEC. 14. If any provision of this Act, or the application thereof, Separability provi- to any person or circumstances, is held invalid, the remainder of the lion. Act, and the application of such provisions to other persons or cir- cumstances, shall not be affected thereby . Approved, June 15, 1936 . [CH APTER 549 .1 Easement s in con- n ecti on with State roads, etc . AN ACT

June 15, 1936 . Limiting the operation of sections 109 and 113 of the Criminal Code and section [S .3781 .1 190 of the Revised Statutes of the United States with respect to counsel in [Public, No .679.1 certain cases. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Stat es o f America in Congress as sembled, That the employ- ment of Angus D . MacLean as an attorney or counselor specially employed, retained, or appointed by the Attorney General or under authority of the Department of Justice to assist in the prosecution of the case pending in the Supreme Court of the United States entitled "The Sugar Institute, Incorporated, and others, appellants, against The United States of America" (docket numbered 268, October term, Crimina l Code . Vol . 35, p. 11 07

U.S. C., pp . 734, 735. R.S.,sec.190,p.30. Operation of desig- nated sections limited wit h respe ct to counsel in certain cases .