Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1645

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1600 Library of Congress . Compilation of laws held unconstitutional ; printing and binding . Independent Offices. Executive Office. Oil lands in form er naval reserves. Protection of inter- ests, etc ., in . Vol.43,p.15. Proviso . Salary restriction . Study of Executive agencies . Funds available for . Ante, p. 115 . Repo rt . Executive Mansion and Grounds, mainte- nance . Ante,p.6. Availability. Patrick H enry bi- centennial . Expenses of celebra- tion. Ante, p . 1485. Arkansas Centenni al Co mmiss ion . Cont ributi on . 74 TH CONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 689. JUNE 22, 1936. LIB RA RY OF CONGRESS For the printing and binding of a compilation containing the provisions of Federal laws held unconstitutional by the Supreme Court of the United States, to remain available during the fiscal year 1937, $1,200 . EXECUTIVE INDEPENDENT OFF ICE S EXECUTIVE OFFICE Protecti on of inte rests of t he United States in matters af fecting oi l lands in former naval reserves : For compensation and expenses of sp ecial coun sel a nd fo r all othe r exp ense, incl uding empl oymen t of exp erts and o ther assis tants at s uch r ates as ma y be autho rized or approved by the President, in connection with carrying into effect the joint resolution entitled "Joint resolution directing the Secretary of the Interior to institute proceedings touching sections 16 and 36, tow nship 30 s outh, rang e 23 east, Moun t Dia blo m eridi an", appro ved February 21, 1924, fiscal year 193 7, $34,000, to be expended by the President : Provided, That no part of this sum shall be used to com- pensate any person at a rate in excess of $10,000 per annum . Study of Executive Agencies : The President of the United States is hereb y aut horiz ed to allo cate, out of fu nds a pprop riate d by the Emerg ency Reli ef Appro priation Act of 19 35 (49 S tat ., 115), not to exceed $100,000 for the expenses of a committee designated by him to make a study of the emergency and regular agencies of the executive branch of the Government for the purpose of making rec ommen datio ns to secu re th e mos t eff icien t org aniza tion and m an- agement of that branch of the public service . Such committee shall ascertain whether the activities of any such agency conflict with or overlap the activities of any othe r such agency and whether, in the interest of simplification, efficiency, and economy, any of such agen- cies should be coordinated with ot her agencies or abolished, or the personnel thereof reduced, and make recommendations with respect thereto. Copies of the report or reports of such studies and recom- mendations, together with the essential facts in connection there- with, shall be transmitted to the President and to Congress . Maintenance, Executive Mansion and Grounds : For an additional amount for repairs and alterations of the Executive Mansion, includ- ing the same objects specified under this head in the Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1936, $ 78,000, to remain available until June 30, 1937, and to be expended as the President may determine, notwithstanding the provisions of any other Act . CELE BRATI ON OF THE BICE NTENN IAL OF THE BIRT H OF PATR ICK H ENRY For carrying out the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to aid in defraying the expenses for the celebration of the bicentennial of the birth of Patrick Henry to be held at Hanover Courthouse, Vir- ginia, July 15, 16, and 17, 1936", approved June 5, 1936, fiscal year 1936, $10,000, to remain available until June 30, 1937 . ARKANSAS CENTENNIAL COMMISSION To provide for the contribution of the United S tates to the com- memoration of the admission of the State of Arkansas into the Fed- eral Union, to be paid to the Arkansas Centennial Commission of the State of Arkansas, to be expended by said Commission for such purposes as it may deem appropriate in connection with such com- memoration, $75,000 .