Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1667

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74TH CONGRESS . SESS. II . CH . 689. JUNE 22, 1936 . Mrs. Earl H. Smith. Payment to Mrs. Earl H. Smith : For payment to Mrs . Earl H . Payment to . Smith, administratrix of the estate of Earl H . Smith, as authorized Post, p.2246 .

by the act of April 10, 1936 (Private, 448, 74th Cong .) fiscal year 1937, $504 .41 . Anisette Islands Re- Ex penses, Annette Island s Reserv e, Alas ka (Rece ipt Lim itation) Reappropriation .

The unexpended balance of the appropriation "Annette Islands Reserve, Alaska, fund from leases", which appropriation was repealed Vol . 48, p.1227. by Se ction 4 (b6) of the Pe rmanent Appropr iation R epeal A ct, 1934 , is hereby made available for obligations incurred against such appro- priation prior to July 1, 1935, and any unobligated balance of such repealed appropriation shall be added to and become a part of the receipts accruing during the fiscal year 1936 . Reclama tion Bur eau .

BUR EAU OF R ECL AMAT ION North Pla tte projec t, North Platte pro ject, Nebraska-Wyoming : N ot to ex c ee d $ 5 0, 00 0 Nebr .- Wyo .

from the pow er reven ues sha ll be av ailable during the fis cal year s Additiona l power ci r- cuit, Guernsey to Lin- 1936 and 1937 for the construction of an additional power circuit gl e.

between the Guernsey and Lingle power plants . Central Valley proj-

Central Valley Project, Califo rnia : For c ont in uat io n, $6 ,9 00, 00 0, ect, Calif .

to remain available until June 30, 1937 of which $6

shall be Friant Reservoir. 7 7 ,O00,000 available for construction of Friant Reservoir and irrigation facili- ties therefrom in the San Joaquin Basin and $250,000 for adminis- trative expenses (including personal services in the District of Colum bia and elsewhe re), to be avai lable f or the s ame pur poses as Post, p. 1781 . those specified for projects included in the Interior Department Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1937 under the caption "Bureau of Reclamation" and to be reimbursable under the Reclamation Law Pro viso .

Provided, That not to exceed $25,000 may be expended for personal ser°ices in the Dis- trict .

services in the District of Columbia . Geological Survey .

GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Geologic surveys .

Geologic surveys : The limitation of $270,000 on the amount that Limitation on ex- p endi ture incr eased . may be expended for the personal services in the District of Colum- bia from the appropriation for geologic surveys contained in the Ante, p. 200 .

Int erior De partmen t Approp riation Act for the fi scal ye ar 1936 is hereby increased to $285,000. Alaska, mineral re- Mineral resources of Alaska : The limitation of $20,000 on the s ourc es. Limitation for per- amount that may be expended for personal services in the District coa ed services in- c reas ed.

of Columbia from the appropriation for investigation of the mineral Ante, p..?A1.

resources of Alaska contained in the Interior Department Appro- priation Act for the fiscal year 1936 is hereby increased to $25,000. Bureau of Mines .

BUREAU OF MINES Traveling expenses . Station transfer . Post, p . 1 788. Appropriations for the fiscal year 1937 available for expenses of travel of officers and employees of the Bureau of Mines shal l be avail- able for expenses of travel performed by them on transfer from one official station to another when authorized by the Secretary of the Interior, and for the expenses incurred in packing, crating, drayage, and transportation of household effects and other personal property of empl oyee s so tran sferr ed, under reg ulati ons to be pre scrib ed b y the Secretary of the Interior . Nat ional Pa rk Serv-

NATIONAL PARK SERVICE ice . Mes a Verde, Colo .

Mesa Verde National Park, Colorad o : For an add itional amount Ante, 207 ; Post, p. for improvement of the water system, fiscal years 1936 and 1937, 1793 .
