Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1686

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74TH C ONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 689. J UNE 22, 1936 .

16 41 Langley Field , Virginia, runwa ys, and so forth : For construction ru nway s, gleetc Fie ld, Va., and installation of runways, grading, and drainage, at Langley Field, Virginia, including general overhead expenses of transporta- tion, engineering, supplies, inspection, supervision, and travel con- nected therewith, as authorized by the Act approved August 12, Ante, p . 610. 1935 (49 Stat . 610, 611), $300 ;000, to remain available until June 30, 1937 . ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT Repairs of arsenals : For an additional amount for repairs and im- provements of ordnance establishments, including the same objects spe cifie d un der this head in the War Depar tmen t Ap propr iati on A ct for the fis cal year 1936, $1 40,000, to remain available until June 30, 1937 . UNITED STATES 'MIL ITARY AC ADE MY Pav:Foran additiona l amount f or "Pay o f Military Academy, 1936", including the same objects specified' under this head in the War Department Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1936, $209,000 . Main tena nce : F or an additional amount for "Maint enance, United States Military Academy, 1936", including the same objects specified under this head in the War Department Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1936, $391,000, to remain availab le until December 31, 1936 . Ordnance Depart- ment . Arsenals, repairs . Ante, p . 136 . Military Academy . Pay . Ante, p. 138 . Maintenance . NATIONA L BOARD FOR PROMOTI ON OF RIF LE PRACTI CE

National Board for Promotion of Rifle Practice . Promotion of Rifle Practice : For construction, equipment, and Ran ge construction, maintenance of rifle ranges, and so forth, including the same objects etAnte, p. 1304 . specified under this head in the War Department Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1937, $100,000 . NONMILITARY ACTIVITIES

N onmi lita ry ac tiv i. ties . QUARTERMASTER CORPS

Quartermaster Corps . Cemeterial expenses : For main tai ning and im prov ing nat iona l National cemeteries . cemeteries, including the same objects specified under this heading in the War Department Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1936, and including also the acquisition by purchase, condemnation, or otherwise, at a cost not to exce ed $250,000, of s uitable lands for la game York City, en- enlargement of existing nati onal cemetery fac ilities as author ized Ante, p . 1354 . by the Act entitled "An Act to authorize the acquisition of land for cemeterial purposes in the vicinity of New York City, New York", approved May 18, 1936, $250,000, to remain available until June 30, 1937. THE PANAMA CANAL

The Panama Canal . Maintenance and operation of the Panama Canal : The sum of measurement of $30,000, or so much thereof as m ay be necessary, of the aphrohria- sai5,etc. Funds available . tion for "Maintenance and Operation, Panama Canal", fiscal year Ante, p. 147 . 19 36, is hereby mad e available, to r emain available u ntil June 30, 1 937, for carr ying out the prov isio ns of the Act ent itled "An Act to provide for the measurement of vessels using the Panama Canal, and for other purposes", approved April 13, 1936, including com- Ante, p. 1204. pensation of the members of the committee appointed by the Presi- dent as authorized by said Act ; the employment and compensation of other necessary personnel without regard to the provisions of civil-service laws and regulations, rental at the seat of government or elsewhere, traveling expenses, contract stenographic serv ice, print- ing and binding, and all other necessary expenses .