Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1824

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74TH C ONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 691. JUNE 22, 1936 .

17 19 attending pub lic or high schoo ls upon the condi tion that any fun ds used in support of a member of the tribe shall be reimbursed out of and become a lien against a ny individual pro perty of which su ch member may now or hereafter become seized or possessed, the two preceding requirements not to apply to any old, infirm, or indigent India n, in the discr etion of th e Sec retary of t he In terior . Expenses of tribal officers, Five Civilized Tribes, Oklahoma (tribal funds) : For the current fiscal year money may be expended from t he tribal funds of the Choct aw, Chicka saw, and S eminole Tribes for equalization of allotments, per capita, and other payments authorized by law to individual members of the respective tribes, salaries and contingent expenses of the governor of the Chickasaw Nation an d chief of the Ch octaw Nation, one mining trustee f or the Cho ctaw and Chic kasa w Na tion s, at sal arie s at the rate her etofo re paid for the said governor and said chief and $3,000 for the said mining trustee, chief of the Creek Nation at $600 for the current fiscal year to be expended from the tribal funds of the Creek Nation, and one attorney each for the Choctaw and Chickasaw Tribes employed under contract approved by the President under existing law : Provided, That the expenses of the above-named officials shall be determined and limited by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, at not to exceed $2,500 each . For acqui siti on, reha bilit atio n, a nd pr eser vati on o f the Tus ka- homa Counci l Hous e, in P ushmata ha Coun ty, Ch octaw N ation, Oklahoma, $7,500, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to be immediately available, payable from the fund "Fulfilling Treaties with Choctaws, Oklahoma", now to the credit of the Choctaw Indians of Oklahoma . Support of Osage Agency and pay of tribal officers, Oklahoma (tribal funds) : For the support of the Osage Agency, and for neces- sary expenses in connection with oil and gas production on the Osage Res ervation, Oklahom a, including pay of necessary empl oyees, the tribal attorney and his stenographer, one special attorney in tax and other matters, and pay of tribal officers ; payment of da mage s to in div idu al al lot tee s ; repairs to buildings, ren t of quarters for employees, traveling expenses, printing, telegraphing, and tele- phoning, and purchase, repair, and operation of automobiles, $159,- 000, payable from funds held b y the United Stat es in trust for t he Osage Tribe of Indians in Oklahoma . Expenses of tribal councils or committees thereof (tribal funds) For traveling and other expenses of members of tribal councils, business committees, or other tribal organizations, when engaged on business of the tribes, including visits to Washington, District of Col umbi a, when duly authorized or approved in adva nce by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, $50,000, payable from funds on deposit to the credit of the particular tribe interested : Provided, That, except for the Navajo Tribe, not more than $5,000 shall be expended from the funds of any one tribe or band of Indians for the purposes herein specified : Provided further, That no part of this appropriation shall be availab le for per diem i n lieu of all oth er expenses of members of tribal councils, business committees, or other tribal organi zations, when in Washington, in ex cess of $6, nor f or more than a thirty-day period, unless the Secretary of the Interior shall in writing approve a greater amount or a longer period . ROAD S AND BR IDGE S For maintenance and repair of that portion of the Gallup-Shiprock Highway within the Navajo Reservation, New Mexico, including the F ive C ivil ized Tribes, Okla. Expenses, etc ., tribal officers . Proviso . Limitation . Tus kahoma Council House, Pushmataha County , Okla . Acquisition, etc . Fund available . Osages, Okla . Agency expenses, from t ribal fund s . Tribal councils, traveling, etc ., ex- penses. Proeisos . Limitation on ex- penditures . Per diem, etc., limita- ti on . Roads and bridges. Gall up-Shi prock Highway, N. Alex ., maintenance, etc .