Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1830

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74TH C ONGRESS . SESS . II. CH. 691. JUNE 22, 1936 .

17 85 and of a com plete pl ant and incident al struc tures su itable f or the fullest economic development of electrical energy from the water discharged from such reservoir ; to acquire by proceedings in emi- nent domain or otherwise, all lands, rights-of-way, and other prop- erty necessary for such purposes ; and for incidental operations, as authorized by the Boulder Canyon Project Act, approved December 21, 1928 (U . S . C ., title 43, ch . 12A) ; $9,600,000, to be immediately available and to remain available until advanced to the Colorado Ri ver Dam fund, wh ich amou nt shall be avai lable fo r person al serv- ices in the District of Columbia (not to exceed $25,000) and in the field without regard to the civil-service laws and the Classification Act of 1923, as amended, and for all other objects of expenditure that are specified for projects included in the Interior Department Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1937, under the caption " Bur eau of Reclamation" : Provided, Th at not to exceed $350,000 fr om reven ues shal l be ava ilable f or the o peration and mai ntenance of the Boulder dam, power plant, and other incidental operations . Boulder Canyon project (All-American Canal) : For co nti nuat ion of construction of a diversion dam, and main canal (and appurte- nant structures) located entirely within the United States connecting the div ers ion dam with the Imp eri al and Coachella Val le ys in California ; to acquire by proceedings in eminent domain, or other- wise, all lands, rights-of-way, and other property necessary for such p ur po se s ; and for incident al operations, as authorize d b y the Bou lde r Canyon Project Act, approved December 21, 1928 (U . S. C., title 43, ch. 12A) ; to be immediately available and to remain available until advanced to the Colorado River Dam Fund, $6,500,000, which amount shall be available for personal services in the District of Columbia (not to exceed $15,000) and in the field without regard to the civil- service laws and the Classification Act of 1923, as amended, and for all other objects of expenditure that are specified for projects included in the Interior Depar tment Approp riati on Act for the fiscal year 1937 under the caption "Bureau of Reclamation" . No pa rt of any appropriation in this Act for the Bureau of Re clama tion s hall b e used for invest igatio ns to deter mine t he economic and financial feasibility of any new reclamation project . GEOLOGICAL SURVEY SALARIES

Salaries . For the Director of the Geological Survey and other personal Director, and offi c e services in the District of Columbia, $140,000 ;

personnel. GENER AL EX PENSES For every expenditure requisite for and incident to the authorized work of the Geological Survey, including personal services in the District of Columbia and in the field, including not to exceed $30,000 for the purchase and exchange, and not to exceed $55,000 for the hire, maintenance, repair, and operation of motor-propelled and horse- drawn passen ger-c arryin g vehi cles for field use only by geologist s, topog raphers, enginee rs, and land cla ssifier s, and t he Geological Survey is authorized to exchange unserviceable and worn- out passenger-carrying and freight-carrying vehicles as part payment for new freight-carrying vehicles, and including not to exceed $2,000 for necessary traveling expenses of the Director and members of the Geological Survey acting under his direction, for attendance up on meeti ngs of t echnical , profes sional, and scie ntific s ocieties Acquisiti on of lands, etc . Vol . 45, p. 1057. U.S.C.,p.1879. Services in the Di s- trict . Proviso . Boul der dam, etc ., maintenance and oper- ation . B ould er Canyon project (All-American Canal) . C onstr ucti on, etc . Acqui sition of lands, etc . U.S.C.,p.1879. Services in the Di s- trict . Use for invest igating new pro jects for bidd en . Geological Survey . General expenses . Ante, p. 1759 . Vehic les . Traveling expenses . Attendance at meet- ings, etc .