Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1861

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74TH CONGRESS . SESS . II. CH . 699 . JUNE 22, 1936 . No l aw shall be mad e respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, and the free exercise and enjoyment of religious pro fession and wor ship without di scrimina- tion or preference shall forever be allowed, and no political or religious te st other than an oath to supp ort the Constit ution and the laws of the United States applicable to the Virgin Islands, and the laws of the Virgin Islands, shall be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the Government of the Virgin Islands . The contracting of polygamous or p lural marriage s is prohibited . No m oney shall be p aid out of the treasury excep t in accordance with an Act of Congress or money bill of the local legislative author- ity having Jurisdiction and on warrant drawn by the proper officer . The employment of children under the age of fourteen years in any occupation injurious to health or morals or hazardous to life or limb is hereby prohibited . peC olture nofan du ex- SEC. 35. All taxes, duties, fees, and public revenues collected in the revenue, etc . municipality of Saint Croix shall be covered into the treasury of the Virgin Islands and held in account for said municipality and all taxe s, dut ies, f ees, a nd publ ic rev enues collec ted in the mu nicipa lity of Saint Thomas and Sai nt John shall be covered into said treasury Proviso .

of the Virgin Islands and held in account for said municipality : Pro- Pr oce eds of desig- nated receipts covered ?12C Zell, That the proceeds of customs duties, less the cost of collection, in to vi rgin Islands and the proceeds of the United States income tax, and the proceeds tr easury . of any taxes levied by the Congress on the inhabitants of the Virgin Islands, and all quarantine, passport, immigration, and naturaliza- tion fees collected in the Virgin Islands shall be covered into the treasury of the Virgin Islands and held in account for the respective municipalities, and shall be expended for the benefit and government of said municipalities in accordance with the annual municipal bud- Appropriations by gets. The Municipal Council of Saint Croix may make a ro ria- Municipal Councils .


ph h tions for the purposes of said municipality from, and to be paid out of, the funds credited to its account in the treasury of the Virgin I sl an ds ; an d the Municipal Council of Sai nt Thomas and Saint John may make appropriations for the purposes of said municipality from, and to be paid out of, the funds credited to its account in said treasury . Property and income taxes,etc SEC. 36. Taxes and assessments on property and incomes, internal- e revenue taxes, license fees, and service fees may be imposed and collected, and royalties for franchises, privileges, and concessions granted may be collected for the purposes of the Government of the Prov isos .

Virgin Islands as may be provided and defined by the municipal Sp ec ial taxes; treat- councils herein established : Provided, That all money hereafter ment, etc' derived from any tax levied or assessed for a special purpose shall be treated as a special fund in the treasury of the Virgin Islands and paid out for such p urpose only, e xcept when othe rwise author- ized by the legislative authority having jurisdiction after the pur- pose for which such fund was created has been accomplished . Impo rt dut ies and Unti l Congress shal l otherwise pro vide, all laws concerning imp ort customs .

duties and customs in the municipality of Saint Thomas and Saint John now in effect shall be in force and effect in and for the Virgin des ig na ted entry to be Islands : Provided, That the Secretary of the Treasury shall desig- nate the several ports and sub-ports of entry in the Virgin Islands of the, United States and shall make such rules and regulations and po Cus to s officers, ap- appoint such officers and employees as he may deem necessary for the administration of the customs laws in the Virgin Islands of the United States ; and lie shall fix the compensation of all such officers and employees and provide for the payment of such compensations and other expenses of the collection of duties, fees, and taxes imposed