Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1899

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18 54 Short title . Exe cutive

de part- ments, etc. Appropriations for travel, etc ., fiscal year 1937 . Proviso . Transfers for con- venience of officers . Restrictions on ex- penditures . C ost limitation of automobiles . Maintenance, auto- mob ile s not us ed for official purposes . "Official purposes" construed. Limitations not ap- plicable . Cost of maintenance

Limit . Appointments after Senate rejection, etc . Ju ne 23, 1936 .

[H.R . 11581.] [Public, No . 762.] District of Columbia. Appropriations for ex- penses of, fiscal ye ar 1937 , from District revenues, and $5,000- 000 from the Treasury . 74pn CONGRESS . SESS. II. CHS . 725, 726. JUNE 23, 1936 . SHORT TITLE This title may be cited as the Post Office Department Appropria- tion Act, 1937 . SEC. 2 . Appropriations for the fiscal year 1937 available for exp ense s of trav el of civ ilian off icers and empl oyee s of the execu tive departments and establishments shall be available also for expenses of t ravel p erformed by the m on tra nsfer f rom one officia l statio n to another when a uthorize d by th e head of the d epartmen t or es tab- lishment concerned in the order directing such transfer : Provided, That such e xpenses shall n ot be al lowed f or any t ransfer effecte d for the convenience of any officer or employee . SEC. 3 . No appropriation available for the executive departments and independent establishments of the Government for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1937, whether contained in this Act or any other Act, shall be expended- (a) To purchase any motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicle (exclu sive of busses, ambula nces, an d stati on wagon s), at a cost, completely equipped for operation, and including the value of any ve hicle ex changed, in exc ess of $750, unless otherwise specifically provided for in the appropriation . (b) For the maintenance, operation, and repair of any Govern- ment-owned motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicle not used exclusively for official purposes; and "official purposes" shall not include the transportation of officers and employees between their domiciles and places of employment, except in cases of medical officers on out-patient medical services and except in cases of officers an d employ ees eng aged in field w ork the charact er of wh ose dut ies makes such transportation necessary and then only as to such latter cases when the same is approved by the head of the department or establishment concerned . The limitations of this subsection (b) shall not apply to any mot or vehicles for official use of the President, or of the heads of the executive departments . (c) For the maintenance, upkeep, and repair (exclusive of garage rent, pay of o perat ors, tire s, f uel, and lubri cant s) on any one moto r- propelled passenger-carrying vehicle, except busses and ambulances, in exces s of on e-third of the market p rice of a new v ehicle of the same make and class and in no case in excess of $400 . SEC . 4. No part of the money appropriated under this Act shall be paid to any person for the filling of any position for which he or she has been nominated after the Senate upon vote has failed to confirm the nom ination of such person . Approved, June 23, 1936 . [CHA PTER 726 .1 AN ACT Making appropriations for the government of the District of Columbia and other activit ies chargeable in w hole or in part aga inst the revenues o f such District for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1937, and for other purposes . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That in order to defray the expenses of the District of Columbia for the fiscal year ending June 30, 19 37, a ny reven ue (not includi ng the proport ionate share of the United States in any revenue arising as the result of the expenditure of appropriations made for the fiscal year 1924 and prior fiscal years) now required by law to be credited to the District of Columbia and the United States in the same proportion that each cont ributed to the activity or sou rce from whence such re venue w as