Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/2070

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74T H CONGRESS . SESS. II. CHS . 859, 860. JUNE 29, 1936 .

2025 this Act : Pro vid ed, how eve r, That any employe e of the Alaska Rail- road who shall attain the age of eligibility for retirement without having rendered sufficient service on the Alaska Railroad to entitle him to be retired on an annuity as provided by section 2 hereof, but whose aggregate employment under the United States would be sufficient in character and duration to entitle him to receive an annuity under the provisions of the Civil Service Retirement Act of May 22, 1920, as amended, will be eligible to retire and receive an annuity under the provisions of that Act and payable from the civil- service retirement and disability fund ; and in such event the employee shall be entitled, upon separation from the service, to the refund, under such regulations as the United States Civil Service Conunission may prescribe, of any excess in the deductions made from his sa lary, pa y, or co mpensati on under the pro visions of this Act, with interest., over those which would have been made at the rate fixed by the Civil Service Retirement Act, as amended

and the United States Civil Service Commission shall certify to the Secretary of the Treasury the amount remaining to the credit of such employee in the Alaska Railroad retirement and disability fund, and the said amount shall be transferred on the books of the Treasury Department to the civi l-se rvic e re tire ment and dis abil ity fund . SEC. 18. Retirement authorized by law of Federal personnel of whatever cla ss, civil, mil itary, naval, judicial, le gislative, or other- wise, and for whatever cause retired, shall take effect on the 1st day of the month following the month in which said retirement would otherwise be effective, and said 1st day of the month for retirements hereafter made shall be for all purposes in lieu of such date for retirement as may now be authorized ; except that the rate of active or retired pay or allowance shall be computed as of the date retire- ment wou ld have occurred if this Act had not bee n enacte d . SEC. 19. For the purposes of this Act, service in the employ of the Alaska Engineering Commission shall be considered service of and on the Alaska Railroad . Approved, June 29, 1936 . Pro viso . If employee eligible under Civil Service Re tir eme nt Act . Return of excess in deductions. Commencement of retirement . Excep tion . Term co nst rued . slum-clearance and low-cost housing projects, to authorize payments to States and poli tical sub divi sion s in lieu of taxe s on such premises, and for other purposes . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the acquisi- t ion by t he Unite d States of any real pro perty he retofore or here - after acquired in connection with any low-cost housing, or slum- clearance project heretofore, or hereafter constructed with funds allotted to the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works pursuant to title II of the National Industry' Recovery Act, the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935, or any other law, shall not be held to depri ve any State or political subdivision th ereof of its civil an d criminal jur isdiction in and over such property, or to impair the civil rights under the local law of the tenants or inhabi- tants on such property ; and insofar as any such jurisdiction has been taken aw ay from any such State or subdivision, or any such rights have been impaired, jurisdiction over any such property is hereby ceded back to such State or subdivision . I So in original. [Public, No . 837.1 Public Works Ad- min istr atio n . waiver of exclusive ju risd icti on o ver prop- erty acquired for hou s- ing or slum-clearance projects . Vol. 48, p. 200. Ante, p. 115. Civil and criminal jurisdiction of States, etc .

civil rights of in-

habitants under local law . [CHA PTER 860 .] AN ACT June 29, 1936 . To waive any exclusive jurisdiction over premises of Public Works Administration [S . 3247.1