Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/2095

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INDEX. • IX Alderson, W. Va. , appropriation for Fed- Page. eral Industrial Institution for Women nt ________________________ 84,1120,1330 Alexandria Bay, N . Y .: Harbor examination authorized_ ______ 1046 Time extended for bridging St. Law- rence River aL._ ___ __ __ ___ __ __ 28,1251 Alexandria, La.: I..and transfer for highway __________ _ 491 Time extended for bridging Red River at ______________ ________________ 1070 Aliamanu, Hawaii, improvement of am- munition storage facilities at; appro- priation authorized________________ 1462 Aliens: Bov Scout JamboreE), tempcrary entry . of participants________________ 387,1167 Employment forbidden to, illegally within Fnited States, under Emer- gency Relief Appropriation Act of 1936__________________________ 1609 Income tax on. See Income Tax. Residence requirements, continuity deemed unbroken if engaged in certain employment outside lTlIited States __________ ________________ 1925 Seamen declarants, (lonsideration of, as citizens for purposes of protection, provision repealed ______________ _ 376 Subsidized vessels, restrictions on em- ployment of, on_______________ 1993 WorId War veterans. See Citizenship and Naturalization. All-American Canal, appropriation for con~inuing construction_____ _______ 1785 Allegheny Forging Company, payment of claim ___________ . . _______________ _ 66 Allegheny River: Examination authorized _________ 1565 ,1593 Bridge authorized across, at- East Brady, Pa________________ - __ Emlenton, Pa ___________________ _ Ford City, Pa ___________________ _ Port Allegheny, Pa_______________ _ Tionesta, Pa ____________________ _ Improvement authorized____________ _ Time extended for bridging, Pittsburgh 910 910 907 905 910 1035 to O'Hara Township____________ 1197 Allen, Guy F., credit in accounts oL ____ _ 593 Alpena Harbor, Mich•• improvement au- thorized_______ ___________________ 1036 Alsea Bay, Oreg. , e xamination author- ~ed_____________________________ 1047 Altamaha River, Ga., ex amination au- thorized _________________________ _ 1593 Alton, Mo., bridge authorized across Elev('n Points River aL_____________ 2.'5/' Ambassadors and Ministers, appropria- tion for salaries _____________ 69,590,1311 American Battle Monuments Commis- Page. sion, appropriation for ____________ 6,1168 American Citizens, travel restrictions under Neutrality AcL_____________ 1084 American Embassy Drafts, appropriation authorized for interest payments on cerlain__________________________ 1896 American Ephemeris and Nautical Al- manac, appropriation for preparation_ 419, 1418 American Ethnology, appropriation for researches, etc__________________ 15,1179 American Expeditionary Forces, memorial erection, D. C ____ ____ ____ _____ ___ 798 American Historic Sites, etc., preserva- tion of. See National Park Service. American International Institute for Pro- tection of Childhood. appropriation for contribution _________________ 73, 1315 American Legion. See also Pershing Hall. Ira D. MacLachlan Post of, license granted to, for use of portion of Fort Brady Reservation, Mich____ 1481 Loan of War Department equipment for convention use ______________ 534 , 1540 Renewal of patent_ _ ________________ 51() Rettlement of obligation of Joe Graham Post of. _ _ __ _______ __ _____ __ ___ 1089 American Legion Auxiliary, renewal of patent__________________________ _ 510 American National Theater and Academy: Incorporation of; powers, etc _______ 457,458 Report to Congress_________________ 459 American Printing House for the Blind, appropriation for ______________ 235, 1845 American Red Cross Buildings, deter- mination of rate for steam furnished to_______________________________ 425 American River, CaliC•• examination au- thorized ________________________ _ American Seamen. See Seamen, Ameri- can. American Telephone and Telegraph Com- pany Investigation. See Federal Communications Commission. Anastasia Island Lighthouse Reservation, Fla.: 1595 Conveyance of portion to St. Augustine_ 305 Disposal of portion of _______________ 896 Anchorage. Alaska, hond isslle for munici- pal building, etc., authorized_______ 514 Anclote River, Fla., improvement author- ized_____________________________ 1032 Anderson, Ind., flood-control project au- t horized __________________________ 1586 Anderson, S. C ., transfer of land to______ 534 Andrew Johnson National Monument, Tenn., creation oL _______________ _ 958 Androscoggin River, Maine and N. H., examination authorized ________ 1592, 1938