Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/2123

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INDEX. .. XXXVll Communications Commission. See Fed- Page. eral Communications Commission. Compads. See Interstate Compacts. Compton Creek, N. J., improvement au- thorized_ _______ _______ ____ ____ __ 1030 Comptroller General of the United States. See also General Accounting Office. Air-mail contracts, right of appeal to__ 615 Army disbursing officers, credits allowed in accounts of, for certain pay- ments ________________ 1107,1274,1275 Cotton ginners, payments to; deter- mination of additional adminis- trative costs____ ___ __ _________ __ 1352 Credit allowed in accounts of Guy F. Allen and J. L . Summers_________ 593 Payments to laborers and mechanics on public buildings______ ___________ 1012 List of contractors disregarding obli- gations; prohibition on awarding contract8____________________ 1012 Tennessee Valley Authority transac- tions; audit by_________________ 1080 West Point, N. Y. , acquisition of addi- tional land; approval of purchase price by __ _ ____________________ 1289 Comptroller of the Currency. See also Treasury Department. Appointment; term of office; salary _ __ 707 Banking law amendments. See Bank- ing Act of 1935. Director of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ____________________ 684 Conchoeton River, N. Y., examination authorized_______________________ 1593 Conciliation Commissioners, United States Courts, appropriation for fees, etc_ __ 102, 587, 1327 Coney Island Creek, N. Y ., improvement authorized_ _ __ ____ __ ______ _______ 1030 Confederate Cemeteries, appropriation for maintenance, etc ___________ 145,1305 Confederated Bands of Ute Indians, Utah, Colo., and N. Mex., payment to, for lands set aside as naval oil reserVEl_ _ _ _____ ___ _____ _____ _____ 1272 Confederate Reunioli. See National Con- federate Reunion. Confederate Veterars. See United Con- federate Veterans. Congaree River, S. C., examination au- thorized_________________________ 1593 Congress. See also Legislative Branch of the Government. Annual reports to be submitted to, by/on- Amtlrican National Theater and Academy____________________ 459 Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve SysteIn_______________ 705 Congress-Continued. Annual reports to be submitted to, by lon-Continued. Central Statistical Board _________ _ Commerce Department statistical studies _____________________ _ Electric Home and Flum Authority __ Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935, operations under_____ _ Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1936, operations under_____ _ Federal Alcohol Administrator ____ _ Federal Deposit Insurance Corpora- 499 293 118G 119 1611 978 tion_ ________________________ 700 Federal Power Commission _______ 840,859 Indian irrigatil.n projects, adjust- ment of charges, etc___________ 1804 Indians, contracts with Sta.tes, etc., for welfare of; expenditures of Federalfunds________________ 1459 Interparliamentary Union _________ _ Interstate Commerce Commission; time for making_____________ _ National Labor Relations Board ___ _ National Park Trust Fund Board __ _ 426 287 451 478 National Yeomen F _______________ 1 .506 Naval vessel construction, contracts exempted from requirement to pay excess profits into Treasury _ 1927 Neutrality AcL__________________ 1083 Rural Electrification Administration_ 1366 Securities and Exchange Commis- sion____. ___________________ 834,837 Social Security Act_ _________ 634, 635, 636 Vnited States Maritime Commissioll_ 1988 Veterans of Foreign Wars of the Cnited Stntes ________________ 1391 Virgin Islands, report of Governor __ _ Congressional investigations, witnesses failing to appear, produce papers, etc.; certification offacts to United States attorney for grand jury action ________________________ _ Congressional Record, preparation and distribution oL ________________ _ Consent granted to- Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission, compact between Pennsylvania and New Jersey __ Interstate oil and gas compact_____ _ Interst.ate Sanitation DistricL_____ _ Rio Grande compact extension ____ _ Damage claims by Coast Guard and Public Health Service vessels, cer- tification of, to ________________ _ Death or injury damage claims arising in foreign countries, certification of, to_________________________ _ 18]2 2041 1546 1058 939 932 325 1.514 1138