Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/2131

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INDEX. xly Deficiency Act, Fiscal Year 1935, Page. Second-Continued. Appropriation for-Continued. Damage claims___________________ 601 Dist.rict of Columbia_ __ _ _____ __ __ _ 576 Assessments, refund oL__________ 579 Audited claims ________________ . 580 Claims, settlement of. ___________ 579 Contingent, etc., expenses_ _______ 576 Coroner's office ____________ . . ____ 576 Corporation Counsel's office _____ . 576 Courts and prisons _________ .. ____ 577 Employees' Compensation FllncL . 576 Fire department- _ __ _ . . _.. ________ 577 Health department_ _______ __ ___ _ 577 Judgments ____________________ . 579 Public schools_________________ 577 Public welfarc__________________ 578 Water service_ __ _ __ _ __ ____ ____ _ 579 Workmen's Compensation Act___ _;;80 District of Columbia Alley Dwellinl( Authority_______________ . ____ 573 Employees' Compensation. Commis- sion_________________________ 573 Federal Trade Commission ________ .. 573 George Rogers Clark Sesquicenten- nial Commission _____________ . 573 George Washington Bicentennial Commission ___ ____ ______ __ ___


Interior, Department oL _ _ __ ______ 583 Columbia Institution for the Deaf _ 58;) Education, Office of. ____________ . 'i85 Freedmen's HospitaL _ _ _ __ _ __ __ _ 585 Government in the Territories _ _ __ 585 Howard University______________ 585 Indian Affairs, Bureau of _ _ _ __ __ _ 583 Investigations, Division of _ _ _ ___ _ 583 National Park Service_ _ ______ __ _ 584 Reclamation, Bureau oL ________ . 597 Secretary's Office_ ___ _____ ___ __ _ 583 War Minerals Relief Act __ . . ______ 583 Judgments, against collectors of custOIUs_____________________ 606 Court of Claims________________ 602 Vnited States .courts_ _ _ _ ___ _____ 602 Justice, Department of _____ . ______ 585 Attorney General, Office of ____ ___ 58;) }'(~deral Bureau of InYestigatioll_ . . 586 J ndicial expenses _______ . _. _ _ _. 586 Penal and correctional instit utions _ 587 l~nited States eourts_ _ _ _ _______ _ 586 Labor, Department of _____ ___ _____ 587 Secretary, Office oL_____________ 587 Legislative Branch of the Govern- men L ____ ______ ______ _______;j71 Architect of the Capitol. _ _______ 571 Government Printing Office _ __ ___ 572 House of Representatives_ _______ 571 Library of Congress_ _ _. _.. ______ 572 Senate _______________ .__ ______ 571 Deficiency Act, Fisca lYear 1935, l>age. Second-Continued. Appropriation for-Continued. Kational Advisory Committee for Aeronautics_ __ _____ ______ ____ 574 National Capital Park and Planning Commission ___________ . . _____ 574 National Railroad Adjustment Hoard_ 574 Naval reserves, former, protection of interests of United States in matters affecting oil lands ill. _ _ . 572 ~avy Department. _______________ 588 Increase of the Kavy __________ - - 598 Navigation, Bureau oL__ _ ____ ___ 589 Secretary, Office of ___________ . . _ .588 Supplie~ aud Accounts, Bureau of _;)88 Yard8 tind Docks, Bureau of. __ 589,598 Officers, etc., of r. S . ill foreigu countries, payment to, for losse8 due to appreciation of foreign currencies ________________ - _.. .. .')74 Petroleum Administratioll _______ . __ 574 l)ost Office Department. ____ . . ____ ._ ,jx9 Chief Inspector, Office of _____ .. _. 589 Second Assistant Postmaster General, Office of ________ . __ 589 Railroad Retirement Board ____ . . ___


State, Dl~partlllent of __________ .. __


Foreign Service ____________ .. _ 5nO, 598 International obligatioll!~, t't e _ _ 590 Tariff Commission_ _ ___ __ __ ___ _ _ 575 Tennessee Valley Authority __ ... .. .. - _


Texas Centennial Commission .... _.. _ 575 Thomas Jefferson Memorial Com- mission ________________ . _. . 576 Treasury Department. _ __ _ __ .. _ -.- 592 Accounts and Deposits, 01lke of Commissioner of __________ . 593 American Expeditionary Forces, memorial to __________ .. _- _. 594 Budget, Bureau of the _____ . . . ____ 593 Engraving and Printing, Bureau of __________________ .... __ . 593 Mint, Bureau of the _______ .. _. __ 594 Procurement Division _. P II hi i c Works Branch _____ . __ ...... 594,599 Secretary, Office oL__ __ __ 592 Secret Service Division ____ . . ____ 594 Supply, Division of ______ . . . . _____ 593 Veterans' Administratioll ____ .. . 597 War Department __________ . .. . . . 595 Engineer Corps__ _ __ _ _ .. 601 Nonmilitary activities_ ___ 595 Ordnance Department. __ ._ 595 Quartermaster Corps ___ . . . __ . 595, 600 "Civilian Conservation Corps" con- strued ___ .. . __ ______ . ___________ 596 Indian suits, Court of Claims; offset of Federal expendit1lres; pending claims ___________ . . 596