Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/2148

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lxii INDEX. Field Artillery, Chief of. See War De- partment. Filipinos, emigration from Vnitecl Stah; , provide means for _________ _ Appropriation for _______ _ Time extended fOI' making applicatioll for benefits ____________________ _ Filled Milk Act, appropriation for enforce- ment ___________________________ _ Filled Milk Act, Amendment, administra- tion by Secretary of Agriculture ___ _ Finance Department. See War Depart- ment. Financial Conference. See Pan .\mcrimll Financial Conference. Financial Institutions, inSUr31ll'e of. S "e Kational Housing Ad. Fine Arts, Commission of: Page. 478 1121 1462 1454 S85 Appropriation for _ _______ ____ __ __ 17!), 1759 American Expeditionary Forct's, ap- proval of memorial hy __ ___ _____ _ 798 Cleveland, Grover, erection of 1II0llU- ment to, approval, etc., hy ___ ____ 424 Jusseralld memorial, approval of design and site hy ___ ____ ______ ________ 38H Memorial to officers of Immigration and Naturalization Service who lost their lives on active duty, approval by____________________________ 1392 Salomon, Haym, memorial to, approval by _ ___________________________ 1RH6 Spanish War Memorial Park, Fla., ap- proval of memorials by __ __ __ ___ Uti2 Thomas Jefferson Memorial Conunis- sion, assistance in determination of plans and design of memorial 1397 Finland: Appropriation for envoy extraordinary, etc., to__________________ __ _ __ Ii~), 131 1 Sum authorized for diplomatic, ('tc., buildings at Hclsingfors_ _ _ _ 377 Appropriation for _ __ __ 5~)O Finley, Germaine M., payment t.o__ __ _ _


Firearms. See National Firearms Ad, Amendment. First Deficiency Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1935. See Deficiency Act, Fis- cal Year 1935, }?irst. First Deficiency Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1936. See Deficiency Act, Fiscal Year 1936, First. Fisheries, Bureau of. See COlllllleree. Department of. Fisheries Commission, International, ap- propriation for contrihutioll _______ 7l1, 1321 Fisheries Cooperative Marketing Act, ap- propriation for enforcemcnt. _ ___ __ 9S, I:H! Fishing Bay, Md., examinatioll of water- way to Cambridge Crcck!l.uthorblCd_ 1(H:~ Fishing Creek, Md., eXlllllinatilln Illlthor- izcd ____________________ _ Fish Oil, tax Oil ___ . _ _ _ _ __ __ _ __ _ ______ _ Five Civilized Tribes of Indians, Okla.: Appropriation for- Puge. 1().t2 IH:l Ed IIcatioll ___________ ._ ________ 192. 1i75 Expcnscs of tribal oflicers_ ______ : 95, 177n Leases of restricted land::! authorized__ _ II :~5 Minerals produced Oil restricted lands, taxation of ____ __ ___ ______ __ ____ 11 (iO Flandreau, S. Dak., appropriatioll for ecincation of Indians_ _ __ _______ 191, 177.'5 Flathead Indian Reservation, Mont.: Appropriation for- Industrial assistancc_____________ __ 17HO Irrigation _____________________ 187. 1777 Schools available to children of _ __ __ __ 328 Fletcher, Duncan U., paymcnt to widow of.______________________________ 1597 Flint Creek, Ala., examination authorized_ 1 ,W:{ Flint River, examination authorized, Ala., and Tenn_ ___________ _____ _______ Li93 Flomaton, Ala., iloo<i-contrlll project au- thorized_____ __ _ __ ___ _____ __ _ ____ LiT;; Flood Control. See also Flood Coutrol Act of 19:m. Amoullt for work-relief proje(·ts_ ___ I 1Ii. 1IiO-'\ Flood Control Act of 1936: Declaration of policy __ __ __ __ __ __ ___ l.'i/O . Jurisdiction of flood control investi/l:a- tions, etc_.. _ _ _________ _____ ____ 15/0 Lancis, casements, etc., to be provided by States; maintenance, ctc____ _ _ 1571 State compacts for flood control, etc., consent of Congress granted; lilt- ificatioll; exceptiun_ _________ ____ 1571 Projects authorized; illstallation of pen- stocks for future power develop- men L __ ___________ ____________ 15 I:! Preliminary cxaminatiolls for flood COll- trol and soil erosion, etc., allthor- ized_ _ ______________ . ____ __ .__ 15!l2

-1un'cys contiuued whcre opportllllities

exist for hydroclcetrie power de- velopment. ________________ . 15nli Mississippi River Flood COlltrol Ad ('ontinucd in force_ ______ _ 159ti Appropriation authorized_ _ _ _ ____ _ _ l. ' l!)ti MaxilUulU expellditure, fiHeal yt'ILI' 1937____________________ _ 15Hi L:llcmployuH'nt relief, payment frolll Works Progrcss Admin:Htratioll funds_ _____ ___________ _______ 15!li Flood Damages. See also Katiollul Hous- ing Aet, Amendmcnts; Rceomltrt\l'- Hon I"illance Corporation. Loans foi' repail' of; time extensioll_ ____ ,i 05 florence, Ala., hrilige eOllstl'llction al'ro,;s TClluessce HiyeruL_______________ /:W