Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/2187

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I~DEX. . ('1 Marine Corps-Continued. Retircd officcrs commended during \Yol'ld \Yar, rank increase _______ _ War-tim~ rank to retircd officers, etc., restriction rcmoved_____________ _ Marine Corps Reserve, aviation cadcts. See NILval Reserve. Marine Itnspection and Navigation, Bureal~ of. See also Commerce, De- partmlmt of. Name of Bureau of Navigation and Stcamboat Inspcction, changed to_ Super\ising inspectors, appointment; llI'lmber; salary, etc __________ _ Principal traveling inspectors, ap- p()intment; number; salary, etc_ Mari!ll~ casualty investigation board; ccrnposition; functions, etc ___ _ Ruh:s and regulations for investi- gations ___________________ _ Clas$ification of marine casualties; 'serious and "less serious" __ Pers('mal scrviccs _______________ _ Inv(;stigations of violations of Act or regulations; scopc _______ _ R'ghts of persons under investi- gation __________________ _ S(:curing evidence; attendance of witncsses; fecs, etc_______ _ D,~termination of guilt by Di- rector; suspension or revo- cation of liccnsc _________ _ Appeal to Secretary; author- ity oL ________________ _ Crin:',inal liability, report of find- ings to Attorney GeneraL ___ _ Coerdon, etc., of witnesses, pcn- alty for ___________________ _ Adm':nistrative rcgulations by Sec- lretary of Commerce________ _ Effcctive date _________________ _ Passenger vessels, supervision of con- Page. 1092 377 1380 1381 1381 1381 1382 1382 1382 1382 1382 1382 1383 1383 1383 1383 1383 1384 tra~t plans for construction; teclnical staff cstablished______ 1384 Regu:iations for builders_ _ _ _ _ ____ 1384 Certiliicates of inspection; require- r:lcnts for__________________ 1384 Ac(~eptance of plans of American Bureau of Shipping classed vessels_ ____ ______________ 1384 Appr9val of plans; withholding of certificates when vessel does n,ot conform to plans_ _____ ___ 1385 AlterMions without approval, pen- a:lty for____________________ 1385 "Planls and specifications" con- s trucd ________ ___ ___ _______ 1385 Int'~ntional alteration, etc., pen- , aIty for__________________ 1385 Marine Inspection and Navigation, l'uge. Bureau oC-Continued. Xame of Bureau of Navigation and Steamboat Inspcction, changed to--Continued. Local inspectors of steam vessels; oyertime pay for ____________ .. _ 1385 Payable by ship's master, etc_____ 1386 Working hours_________________ 1386 Regulations by Secretary _ _ _ ___ ___ _ 1386 Appropriati-:m authorized_ _ _ __ _____ 1386 Inconsistent laws repealed ________ . . 1386 Marine Schools, appropriation for ____ 402, 1401 Mariposa Creek, CaIiC., examination au- thorized_________________________ 1595 Maritime Commission. See Merchant Marine Act, 1936. Marketing Agreements. See Agricultural Adjustment Act, Amendments. Markham Ferry Reservoir, Okla., e xami- nation authorized_________________ 1596 Marmath, N. Dak., fiood-control project authorized _ ___ ______ ___ _ __ __ _____ 1589 Marmaton River, Kans., examination au- thorized _ _ _ ___ ______ _____ ___ ____ _ 1594 Marposa Creek, Calif., examination au- thorized _ _ _ ___ _________________ __ 1595 Marquette, Mich.: Harbor impro"ement authorized ___ ___ 1035 Post-office, ek., buildings_ __ ____ ___ __ 599 Marshals' Fees. See Admiralty. Marshals, United States Courts: Appropriation for salaries, etc ________ 52,81, 586, 1326 , 1625 Duties; power to arrest without warranL 3i7 Marshy Hope Creek, Md. , preliminary examination authorized ________ 1198,1593 Maryland: Blakistone Island Lighthouse Resen'a- tion transferred to Navy DepI\rt- menL _ ______ _______ ___ __ ______ 306 Bridge authorized across- Chesapeake Bay, between Baltimore alld I~ent Counties_ __ _ ___ _____ 1537 Potomac River_______________ 1052, 1056 Hood-control projects 8uthorized_ ___ _ 1574 Fort ~IcIlenry, areaenlarged _________ 141 - '4 l\laryland-~ational Capital Park and l>lanning Commission, conveyance of land to, Cor park, etc., purposes__ 1\121 Perry Point, exchange of land aL ______ 724 Ri.... er and harbor improvements author- ized _______________________ 1030,1031 Preliminary exmninations authorized of- l\1arshy Hope CreeL_ ___ ________ 11 98 Rivers, various_ ___ _ _ __ 1042, 1043, 1593 Time extended for bridging Chc;;apeake Buy between Baltimore alld l~ent Countics_____ _____ ___________ __ l,tiS