Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/2190

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· CIV INDEX. Merchant Marine Act, 1936-Continued. Page. Construction-differential subsidy-Con. Construction financed by applicant; payment of subsidy to builder; documentation, etc___ _________ 1998 Construction of subsidizcd vessels in domestic shipyards; qualifica- tions of builders, ete___________ 1998 Terms of agreement; limitation OIl profits, etc _________________ 1998 Operation of subsidized vessels other than in foreign trade unlawfuL _ 1999 Transfer in emergency ___ ________ 1999 Replacement of obsolete, etc., ves- sels; purchase of replaced vessel by Commission; credit of pur- chase price; documentation re- quirements___ _________ _______ 2000 Disposition of vessels acquired from Department of Commerce of in- sufficient value for commercial or military operatioll_ _________ 2000 Domestic trade, aid in construct ion of vessels for; constructioll sub- sidy not permitted ____________ 2000 Differential allowance, vessels COIl- structed on Pacific coast_ ____ 2001 Operating-differential subsidy, applica- tions for assistance in operating vessels in foreign trade; require- Inents_________________________ 2001 Contracts for payment; computa- tion, etc_ __________ __________ 2002 Additional subsidies, foreign trade routes; conditions for granting__ 2003 Restrictions on payments- Coastwise or intercoastal trade_ __ 2003 Vessels more than 20 years old_ _ _ 2003 Routes served by U. S . citizens, restriction on additional serv- ice; exceptions______________ 2003 Review and readjustments of ('011- tracts_______________________ 2004 Annual withdrawal of profits by con- tractor__ _ ___________________ 2005 "Capital reserve fund", mainte- nance of; deposits required; disbursements_ _____________ 2005 "Special reserve fund", mainte- nance of; deposits required; disbursements ______________ 2006 Transfer of contracts without con- sent forbidden________________ 2007 Withholding of payments when COJl- tractor in default of payments, etc__________________________ 2007 Requirements of vessels for operation on which subsidy paid__ _______ 2007 Merchant Marine Act, 1936-Continued. Page. Private charter operation- Construction of new, and recondi- tioning of old vessels by Com- mission when required, to ac- complish objectives_ _ _ _ _ ______ 2008 Charter or sale of vessels acquired by Commission_ _________________ 2008 Lse of vessels on foreign trade routes; sale or charter of vessels to private citizens_______________ 2009 Charters- Competitive bids for, etc_________ 2009 Contracts for payment of operat- ing-differential subsidy _ _ ___ _ 2009 Disposition of cumulative net prof- its o\'erlO percent___ ______ __ 2010 Deposit of undertaking with Com- mission; sureties_ ___________ 2010 Conditiolls; tcrms___ _________ ___ 2010 Provisions to be included_ _ ______ 2010 COllditiolls to be considered in awarding _________________ _ Finding by Commission of inability to develop trade routes under pri- vate ownership; construction and charter of adapted vessels to citizen operators_______ .____ Books, records, etc., to be kept by con- tractor; examination and audit by Commission_________________ . __ _ Acquisition of vessels by United States on which construction subsidy paid; payment to owner; amoullL_ Employment of concern, etc., in which contractor financially interested forbidden; exceptions _________ . . __ Receipt of subsidy by contractor con- nected with foreign competition forbidden; waiver ______________ _ Operation, etc., of vessels in coastal or intercoastal service by contractor forbidden _____________________ _ Waiver by Commission ___________ _ Default by contractor on mortgage, etc.; supervision by Commission of number and pay of persolllleL ___ _ Unauthorized employment of managing or operating agent by contractor; chartering of subsidized vessels to others, et<l ____________________ _ Members of Congress, employment of, by contractor, etc., forbidden ____ _ Violations of section to breach con- tracts ________________________ _ Combinations to prevent making of bona-fide bids, etc.; penalty for__ _ Violations of Ad, penal pro\'igions ___ _ Ineligibility of violators to bellefits, duration of period fOL ________ _ 2010 2011 2011 2011 2012 2012 2012 2013 2013 2013 2014 201·1 20J4 2014 2014