Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/2212

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· CXXVI INDEX. Panama: Page. Appropriation for- Envoy extraordinary, etc., to ____ 69,1311 Pnyment to government oL ______ 73,1315 United States-Panamanian Claims Commission, payment of 3\vards______________________ 1632 Cape Mala, construction authorized at_ 156 Panama Canal: Investigation of means of increasing I~apacity directed_ _ _ _ ______ _____ 1256 Inve8tigation of rules for measuring vessels using ______ ______ ________ 1204 Appropriation fOL________________ 1641 Committee; appointment, number, etc__________________________ 1204 Report to President_ _ ______ ___ ___ _ 1204 Panama Canal Zone. See Canal Zone. Panama City, Panama: Appropriation for- Hydrographic office expenses ____ 42J, 1420 Waterworks, etc _______________ 148,1309 Panamanian Claims Commission, appro- priation for payment of award" _____ 1632 Panama Railroad: Appropriation for supplies, etc., for _ 147, 1308 Disposition of moneys received by __ 148, 1308 Pan American Exposition: ImpOl·tation of dutiable articles for ex- hibition purposes_______________ 1142 RegUlations governing sales; payment of duty; marking requirements; transfers, etc _ __ ____ ______ ____ 1142 Reimbursement for Federal expenses; deposit______________________ 1142 Pan American Financial Conference, Third, balance available ___________ _ Pan American Institute of Geography and History: AnIlual a.ppropriation authorized for 591 United States membership_ __ ____ 512 Appropriationfor _____________ 1123,1316 Invitation to hold 1935 assembly in United States _________________ _ Sum authorized for expenses ______ _ Appropriation for ______________ _ 512 512 1123 Pan American Sanitary Bureau, appro- priation for coutributiou_ ________ 73, 1315 Pan American Union: Appropriation for contribution ______ 73, 1315 Determination of rate for steam fur- nished to _ _ _ _ ______ ___ _______ __ 425 Paraguay. appropriation for eIlVOY ex- traordinary, etc., to _____________ 69,1311 Paris, France, sum authorizpd for settle- ment of indebtedness on memorial; fund created ___________ .. ______ __ . 426 Parish Creek, Md., improvement author- ized_____________________________ 1031 Parker, Ariz., bridge authorized a('ross PaRe. Colorado River aL________________ 10il Parker Dam. C<;lorado River, projeet authorized______________________ . 1040 Parker River, Mass., examination uu- thorized _____ .. ___________ ________ 1041 Park, Parkway, and Recreational-Area Programs: Study of, by National Park Service, authorized ______________ . 1894 Assistance in planning, etc., to Htate~_ 1894 State compacts with reference to planning, etc., consent of COll- gress granted to_ _ _ _ ____ __ ____ 18!l .j Parks. See also National Parks. Amount for work-relief projects_ ______ 1U08 Partnerships, tax Oll. See Incume Tax. Pascagoula Harbor, Miss., examination authorized _ ___ __ _____ ______ ___ __ _ 1045 Pascagoula River, bridge authorized acr08S, at Wilkersun's Ferry, l\1i::;s_ _ 1395 Passaic Rh"er, N. J., examination au- thorized_ ____ ___ __ _____ __ 1042, 1265, 1593 Pass Cavallo, Tex., examination and im- provement authorized_ _ __ _ ____ 1034. 1045 Pass Palacios, Tex., examination author- ized_____________________________ 11145 Passport Agencies, appropriation fOL 69, 1311 Passumpsic River, Vi.., ex aminatiun HU- thoI"ized_________________________ 1592 Patent Office. See Commerce, Depart- ment of. Patents: Application of laws relating to, in Yirgin Islands. _________________ _____ 1811 Inventions preYiously patented in for- eign country, application for lllestic patenL _________ - . _ _ - ___ 1529 Application filed in this COllutry pre- viously filed in foreign country granting redprocal pridit>ges; when effective; time limit for filing __________________ . _ _ __ _ 1529 Patrick Henry, appropriation authorized to aid in celebration of bil'l'lItcllllial of b~rth oL ___ . _. ________________ . 14S5 .\ ppropriation for __ ____ ____ ___ __ ____ 1600 Patrick Henry National Monument, Va., establishment; administration, de _ _ U5~ Patuxent River, Md., examination Huthor- ized _________________________ .. ___ 15!l;) Pawnee Indians, Okla., apPl"Opriation for fulfilling treaties with___________ 196, li~O Pay Adjustment Act of 1922: Credit fur service )"t'lHlered since June 30,1932_______________________ 339 llaek IOllgeyity pay restridioll______ 33\) Peace River, Fla. , exa mination author- ized_____________________________ 1044