Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/2222

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cxxxvi INDEX. Printing and Blnding-Continued. Page. Deficiency appropriation for-Contd. Commerce, Department oL ________ 582 Census, Bureau oL_____________ 1118 Conference on Oil Pollution of Navi- gable Waters_________________ 1633 Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works, Conference for Revision of______ 1634 District of Columbia __________ ~ ___ 1611 Supreme Court and Court of Ap- peaffi______________________ 1613 Farm Credit Administration________ 50 Federal Power CjmmissioIL ______ 50 ,1111 Federal Trade COmmission______ 573, 1111 General Accounting Office__________ 1602 George Washington Bicentennial Comm~on__________________ 573 Government Printing Office________ 1110 Harvard University Tercentenary Commission___ ____ __ ___ ______ 1608 Hernando De Soto's Expedition COmmission___________ ____ ___ 1124 Interior, Department oL__________ 583 International Congress of Military Medi.cine and Pharmacy, Eighth 591 International Congress of Military Medicine and Pharmacy, Ninth_ 1634 International Joint Commission, United States and Great Britain_ 1631 International Labor Organization___ _ 590 International Technical Committee of Aerial Legal Experts_ _______ 1123 InternationaJ. Telegraph Consulting COmmittee_______ ___ ___ ______ 1634 Interstate Commerce Commission___ 1112 Justice, Department oL ____ 585 ,588,1624 Preparation of rules in actions at law ______________________ _ Labor, Department oL ___________ _ Children's Bureau ______________ _ Lake of the Woods and Rainy River, Minn., protective works and 52 1626 1122 measures_____________________ 595 Library of COngress_______________ 1600 Mixed Claims Commission, United States and Germany__________ 1632 National Archives_____ ____________ 51 NationaJ. Labor Relations Board_____ 1112 NationalRailroad Adjustment Board_ 574, 1603 Pan American Institute of Geography and History___ ______ __ _______ 1123 Petroleum Administration__________ 574 Post Office Department____________ 1629 Railroad Retirement Board_ _ _ ____ _ 1112 Rural Electrification Administratio!l_ 1604 Securities and Exchange Commissbn 1113 Smithsonian Institution____________ 1604 Social Security Board_________ 1114,1601 Printing and Binding-Continued. Pare. Deficiency appropriation for-Contd. Special Mexican Claims Commis- sion _______________________ 590,591 Staie, Department of. ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1124, 1635 Supreme Court of the United States_. _ 1625 Tariff Commission _____________ 575,1607 Tennessce Valley Authority______ 597,1607 Thomas Jefferson Memorial Com- mission ___________________ 576, 1607 Treasury Department _______ 56,593,1636 Budget, Bureau of the___ ________ 1636 World Powcr Conference, Third _ _ __ 1124 World's Woman's Christian Temper- ance Union, Sixteenth Trien- nial Convention______________ 1635 Alaska Railroad, sumayailable_____ 214,1800 American Telephone and Telegraph Investigation, authorized _ __ _____ 45 California Pacific International Expo- sition, authorized_ ______________ 42 Central Statistical Board, authorized_ _ 499 Convention for the Protection of Liter- ary and Artistic Works, confer- ence for revision of, authorized_ ___ 1357 Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935, authorized________________ 117 Hinds' Parliamentary Precedents of the House of Representatives, plint- ing; distribution_ __________ _____ 509 Sum authorized__ _____ ___ ____ __ ___ 510 Inter-American Conference, author- ized___________________________ 1353 International Boundary Commission, United States-Mexico, sum author- ized___________________________ 25 International Congress of Military Medicine and Pharmacy, Eighth, authorized_ _______ __ __________ _ 291 International Congress of Military Medicine and Pharmacy, Ninth, authorized_ ___ ____ _____________ 1355 International Exposition of Paris, au- thorized_______________________ 1201 National Archives, printing and dis- tribution of publications to_______ 386 Official Register, annual pUblication; contents; distribution____ ________ 956 Pan American Institute of Geography and History, authorized_ _ _ ______ 512 Special Mexican Claims CommisSion, authorized_____________________ 151 TerritoriaJ. Papers of the United States, authorized_ ___ ________ ________ _ 1139 Texas Centennial Exposition, author- ized___________________________ 434 Tobacco Inspection Act, authorized_ __ 735 Traffic comlitions, investigation, etc., ofi amount a vail:lble for _________ 1892 World Power Conference, authorized __ 870