Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/2238

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cIii INDEX. Secretary of State-Continued. Page. International Congress of Military Medicine and Pharmacy, Eighth, participation funds under super- vision oL ______________________ 291 International Congress of Military Medicine and Pharmacy, Ninth, participation funds under super- vision oL ______________________ 1355 International Exposition of Paris- Art and Technique in Modern Life, participation funds under super- vision oL ________ ______________ 1201 Member of- California Pacific International Ex- po&ition Commission _ _________ 40 Texas Centennial Commission______ 432 United States Great Lakes Exposi- tion Commission______________ 1243 Proclamations of the President. See Proclamations. Rio Grande, etc., equitable distribu- tion of waters of. See Interna- tional Boundary Commission, United States and Mexico. Settlement by, death and injury claims srising in certain foreign countries from acts of U. S. officers, etc_____ 1138 Special Mexican Claims Commission- Report of, to be submitted to_______ 151 Transmission of lists of expenses and claims allowed to Secre- tary of Treasury ____ _______ _ 151 Secretary, assistants, appointment by_ 149 Statutes at Large, compilation, etc., under supervision oL ___ _________ 1551 WorId Power Conference, Third, dis- bursements under direction of- _ _ _ 1124 'VorId's Woman's Christian Temper- ance Union, Sixteenth Triennial Convention, expenditure of funds under supervision oL____________ 1268 Secretary of the Interior. See also Inte- rior, Department of. Appointments by- Assistant Directors of Grazing, and other personneL ______________ 1978 Reclamation projects, committee to investigate financial and eco- nomic condition oL ___________ 120() Chelan National Forest, Wash., land ac- quisition upon recommendation of _ 508 Emergencies, amount for, to be ox- pended under direction of________ 177 Homestead National Monumcnt, Nebr., land acquisition, etc., upon recom- mendation oL __________________ 1184 Indian irrigation projects, investigation and adjustment of charges on irri- gationlands within; rules, etc., by_ 1803 Secretary of the Interior-Continued. Page. Indian lands, timber sale contracts, modification; time limitation_____ 1266 Indians, contracts with States, etc., for welfare of, authorized; expendi- ture of Fede1"81 funds; report to Congress_______________________ 1458 Jusserand memorial, permission for ercction by ________________ ____ 386 Member of National Park Trust Fund Board_________________________ 477 Memorial to early settlers of Federal City, permission for erection by___ 1137 Richmond National Battlefield Park, Va. , designation of site by; accept- ance of donations; acquisition of land, etc___________________ 1155,1156 Virgin Islands- Annual report of Governor to; trans- mittal to Congress____________ 1812 Appointments by- Administrator for Saint Croix_ _ _ _ 1812 Other administrative a d executive officers____________________ 1813 Report to, of law::! passed by legisla- tive bodies; transmittal to Con- gress________________________ 1811 Supervision by, of exercise of execu- tive power irL________________ 1812 Supervision of matters pertaining to Government of, by____________ 1817 " War Minerals Relief Statutes", inter- est included in payments of certain claims under; determination by___ 1355 Secretary of the Navy. See also Navy; Navy Department. Acceptance of bequest of- Dr. Malcolm Storer; medals to be exhibited at Naval Academy___ 479 Paul E. McDonnold; funds to be credited to hospital fUlld_ ______ 481 Appointments by, to Naval Academy, from "honor schools" and Naval Reserve Officers' Training Corps__ 1144 Assignment of enlisted men, Navy and Marine Corps, to serve as custo- dians abroad _________________ 72 ,1313 Diving duty pay, regulations by ______ 1091 Member of Ns.tional Munitions Control Board___________________ ______ 1082 Oaths, administering of, by certain offi- cials of Naval Establishment desig- nated by _______________ __ ______ 16~ Officers of the line, designn.tion fllr per- formance of aeronautical engineer- ing duty only___________________ 32a Regulations by, retirement aud annui- ties, eiyilian members, teaching staffs, Naval Academy___________ 1093