Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/2242

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clvi INDEX. Six Nations, N. Y., appropriation for ful- Page. fllling t:"eaty obligations with ____ 196,1780 Skaggs Ferry, Ark., flood-control projects authorized____ ___________ __ __ __ ___ 1580 Skagit River, Wash. , e xa mination author- ized_____________________________ 1595 Flood-control projects authorized_ ___ _ 1592 Skagway, Alaska, bond issue authorized for certain municipal public works__ 1156 Skagway Harbor, Alaska, examination authorized_____ __ ____ ______ ____ ___ 1047 Skipanon River, Oreg., c:.amination au- thorized_____ _ _____ ______ ____ ____ _ 1047 Skykomish River, Wash., cxamin9.tion authorized________________________ 1595 Slum.Clearance Projects, waiver of .!x- elusive jurisdiction over propert,}' ac- quiredfor, etc_..;__________________ 2025 Smelter-Fumes Controversy, Arbitration of, appropriation forexpenses_______ 1319 Smith, Mrs. Earl B., payment to________ 1622 Smiths Creek, N. C ., improvement au- thorized__________________________ 1032 Smithsonian Institution: Appropriation fOL ___________ 15,1179,1604 Delano, Frederic A., reappointment as member of Board of Regents____ _ 542 Morris, Roland S., appointment as member of Board of Regents_ ___ _ 1140 National Yeomen F, annual report of, to be made to Secretary; trans- mittal to CongreSB_______________ 1506 Deposit of collections, etc. , in_______ 1507 Winnie }'fae, airplane, sum authorized for purchase oL_________________ 743 Appropriation for_________________ 1604 Smoky Hill River, examination author- ized _________________________ 1193,1594 Smoot Sand and Gravel Co., pipe line construction, etc., in District of Co- lumbia__________________________ _ Smuggling. See Anti-Smuggling Act. Snake River: Bridge authorized across, Clarkston, Wash. -Lewiston, Idaho _________ _ Examination authorized, Wyo _______ _ Improvement authorized ____________ _ Snohomish River, Wash., examination 162 27 1594 1038 authorized_______ ____ __ ___ __ ______ 1595 Snoqualmie River, Wash. , e xa mination authorized_________ _______________ 1595 Social Security Act: Appropriation for- Blind, aid to _________________ 1113 ,1606 Children, dependent, aid to ____ 1113,1605 Child-welfare services _________ 1121,1350 Crippled children _ _ ______ _____ 1121, 1350 Diseases and sanitation investiga- tions ____________________ 1126,1841 Social Security Act-Continued. Page. Appropriation for-Continued. Matefllal and child-health ser\'- iel's ________________ 1121,1349,1350 Old-age a~sistan('e _____________ P13,1605 Old-age rescrye a('count____________ 1635 Public-health work ____________ 1126,1840 UnemploYllll'lIt compensation ad- millistration ______________ 1113, lG05 Vocationa.l reha.bilitation _______ 1119, 1798 Old-a .ge assistallce; grants to ~t:ttes; appropriation aut horiz('(L ________ 620 State plans; requirements; approvaL 620 Payments; amount; computation of. 621 Withheld if noncompliance with approved plau_ ____ ________ _ 622 Administration expenses, sum au- thorized_ _ __ ___ ___ ______ _____ 622 "O ld-age assistance" defined________ 622 Federal old-age benefits; reserve ac- count created; in vestment offunds_ 622 Payments; adjustments; reductions_ 623 At death_________________________ j)23 To individuals not qualified for bene- fits__________________________ 624 To estates_ _ _ __ ___ __ __ ____ ______ _ 624 Overpayments during life; repayment from estate____________________ 624 Method of making payments_______ 624 Assignment. ____ _________________ 625 Penalties________________________ 625 Definitions__ _ __ ___ __ ____ __ ___ ____ 625 Unemployment compensation adminis- tration; grants to States; appro- priation authorized______________ 626 Payments; basis of, etc____________ 626 State laws, requirements__ ____ _____ 626 Children, dependent, grants to States for; appropriation authorized_ ___ 627 State plans, requirements; approval of___________________________ 627 Payments; amount; method, etc _ _ __ 628 Withheld if noncompliance with approved plan_ ____ _ ___ _____ 628 Administration expenses, slim au- thorized_____________________ 629 Definitions_ _________ __ ________ ___ 629 Maternal alld child welfare, grallts to States; appropriation authorized_ _ 629 Allotments; approval of Sta.te plans_ 629, 630 Puymeuts withheld if nOIl('ompli- alice with appro\'ed plan _____ 630,631 Crippled children; sum authorized; allotmcutsj appronll of i'Hate plans_ _________ ____ ___ _____ ti31, 632 Payments wit hlwld if lIoncompli- ance with appron'd plan ___ 632, 633 Child-welfare services; sum author- ized; allotments; expenditure, etc _______ . . __________________ 633