Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/2245

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INDEX. clix Springfield, Mo., appropriation for United States Hospital for Defective Delin- quents at________________________ _ Stamford Harbor, Conn., improvement authorized_______________________ _ Stamp Taxes, cxt('nsion oL ___________ _ Standard Container, Hamper, and Prod- uce Agency Acts, appropriation for Page. 84 1029 431 cnforcement___________________ 277,1451 Standards, Bureau of. See also Com- merce, Departmcnt of. Cooperative work with departments, etc__________________________ 93,1338 Scientific invcstigations by, for- Bureau of Engraving and Printing 227, 1837 Post OUice DepartmenL ________ 243, 1853 Waste products utilization, cooperation with Bureau of Chemistry and SOils__________________________ 265 Standing Rock Indians, N. Dak., appro- priation for industrial assistance_ ___ 1767 Starlings Creek, Va., improvement au- thorized_______ ____ ________ ___ ____ 1031 State Compacts. See Interstate Com- pacts. State, Department of. See also Foreign Serviee; International ObligatioDS; Secretary of State. Appropriation for- COntingentcxpenscs_____________ 68,1310 Investigations regarding officialnlat- ters _______________________ 78,1322 Passport agencies _______________ 69,1311 Printing and binding____________ 68, 1311 Promotion of foreign trade _______ 69 ,1311 Salaries, Secretary, Under Secretary, and personneL _____________ 67, 1309 Territorial papers, collecting and editing ____________________ 69 ,1311 Deficiency appropri...tion for- Audited claims___________________ 63, 604,606,1129,1132 ,1133 ,1647 Contingent cxpenses_ ____ __________ 1631 Damage claims ___ . ________________ 601 Payment to officers, etc., abroad, due to appreciation of foreign cur- rencies_ ______________________ 574 Printing and binding______________ 1631 Salaries_______ . ______________ 1123, 1630 American Embassy drafts, interest pay- ments on certain, appropriation authorized _ _ ___________________ 1896 Army alld Navy officers, assignment for duty in courier service, inspec- tion of buildings abroad; traveling expenses allowed ______ . _. _. ____ 70, 1321 Distinguished Flying Crosses, presenta- tion to Balbo and Pellegrini of Royal Italian Air Force_ _________ 152 State, Department of-Continued. Foreign countries, adjustment and set- tlement of death and injury claims arising in certain_______________ _ Acceptance of payment deemed full scttJemenL _________________ _ Determination by Secretary_______ _ Government cmployees excluded___ _ Foreign documents, certified by lawful custodian; authentication by cer- tificate of consular officer; admis- sibility ________________________ _ Foreign government employees, exemp- tion from taxation of compensation of____________________________ _ Certification of governments which grant equivalent cxemption___ _ Rctroacti\·e application___________ _ Helsingfors, Finland, diplomatic, etc., buildings, sum authorized _______ _ l'all'c. 1138 1138 1138 1138 1563 908 908 908 377 Information for corporations, etc., ex- penses of secllring_ ____________ 76, 1321 Lease of land acquired in connection wit.h projects administered by, through Mexican Boundary Com- mission _ ______________ _________ 906 Donations, reconveyance to grantor; to States, ctc_ ________________ 906 Issue of licenses for irrigation, etc___ 906 Restoration, etc., of private struo- tures________________________ 906 Mexican claims. See Special Mexican Claims Commission. Navy and Marine Corps, assignment of enlisted men 8S custodians abroad_ 72, 1313 Neutrality Act- Administration vested in Depart- ment of State unless otherwise provided_ ____________________ 1082 Expenses, appropriation author- ized_______________________ 1085 Appropriation for _________ 1124, 1315 National Munitions Control Board established; Secretary of State to he chairman and executive of- ficer ________________________ _ Annnal report to Congress ______ _ Meetings of Board _____________ _ Recommendat.ion of articles to be 1082 1083 1083 considered arms, ete_ __ ______ 1083 Registration of persons engaging in manufact.ure or traffic in muni- tions ________________________ 1082 Requirements; fee; licenses; main- t.enance of re~ords_ _________ _ 1082 Rules, etc., for enforcement oC_____ 1083 Travel rc~trictions_ _ _ __ ____ ______ _ 1084