Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/228

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74Th CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 101 . MAY 9, 1935 .

183 development and irrigation, and the purchase of land, are hereby me Purchase of equip- made available also for the purchase of equipment for the industrial advancement of the Indians of said pueblo. Compensation to non-Indian claimants, Pueblo Indian lands, New NPMe l Indian lands, Mexico : The unexpended balance of the appropriation contained in Co mpen sat ion to non-Indian claimants . the Fourt h Defi ciency Act, fiscal year 1933, for ca rrying out t he Vo1. 48, pp . 108, 277 . provisions of the Act of May 31, 1933, in settlement of the liability Post, p . 178 5 . of the United St ates to non-Indian claimants o n Indian pueblo gran ts, whose claims, extinguished under the Act of June 7, 1924, Vol. 43, p. 636. have been found by the Pueblo Lands Board to have been claims in good faith, is hereby continued available for the same purpose from June 30, 193 4, until June 30 , 1936 . Purcha se of land f or the Navaj o Indi ans, A rizona , reim bursab le : At aa vaio In dian s, The unexp ended bala nce o f th e app ropri ation cont ained in the Purchase of lands . Deficiency Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1934, for the purchase of vol . 48, p . 1033. land, and improvements thereon, including water rights, for the Navajo Indians in Arizona, as authorized by and in conformity with the provisions of the Act of June 14, 1934 (48 Stat ., p . 961), is Vol. 48, p . 960. hereby continued available for the same purposes until June 30, 1936 . For the acquisition of lands, interest in lands, water rights and Acquisit ion of lands, water rights, etc . surface rights to lands, and for expenses incident to such acquisition, volt4s,p.984. in accordance with the provisions of the Act of J une 18, 1934 Post, p. 1,85 . (48 Stat ., p . 985), including personal services, purchase of equip- ment and supplies, and other necessary expenses, to be immediately available, $1,000,000, of which not to exceed $15 .000 shall be available for personal services in the District of Columbia

Pro vid ed, That usa " outs ide reserva- within the States of Arizona and Wyomi ng no part of said sum tions restricted . shall be used for the acquisition of lands outside of the boundaries of existing Indian reservations . Compensation to Wyandotte Indians Oklahoma for Seneca School ""'ca School lands . >


Compensa tion to lands : For compensation to the Wyandotte Tribe of Indians, Okla- Wyandottes for inter- homa, for all their right, title, and interest in and to the land eVo.48,p.1184. described in section 1 of the Act of June 21, 1934 (48 Stat., p . 1184), $10,000 : Provided, That the description of the land to be acquired Pro' 50: as set forth in the said Act of June 21, 1934, is hereby corrected to rec ted enp tio n c or- read as follows : " East half southwest quarter, southeast quarter nor thwest quart er, ea st hal f sout hwest quarte r nort hwest quarte r, west half southwest quarter southeast quarter, section 21, township 27 north, range 24 east, Indian meridian, Oklahoma ." The unexpended balance of the appropriation of $109,746.25 con- Loyal Shawnee Indi- an s, Okla . tained in the First Deficiency Act, fiscal year 1930, for payment to Balance reappropri- the loyal Shawnee Indians in settlement of their claim arising under avolt 46, p . 105. the twelfth article of the treaty with said Indians proclaimed October 14, 1868 (15 Stat ., p . 513), as authorized by and in accord- 45, •i oi~o f 8p36 ance with t he Act of Ma rch 4, 1929, and c ontinu ed ava ilable until June 30, 1935, is hereby continued available until June 30, 1936 . Th e Secr etary of the Inter ior is hereb y auth orized and d irecte d of Missoudr1Fox Indians to withdraw from the Treasury of the United States and pay to the Payments to, sa le of Sac and Fox Tribe of Indians of Missouri the amount of $9,153 .2 0, lands . representing the amounts remaining in two separate funds, plus $268 .71 interest, which has accrued to and including December 31, 1934, on the amount of $1,141 .70 derived from the sale of lands of said Indians : Provided, That prior to the segregation and payment Attorneys' fees. of the above amount to the Indians, there shall be paid to certain atto rneys who have rende red servi ces t o the Indi ans u nder an informal contract not to exceed $400, to reimburse them for expenses Immediately avail. incurred for and on behalf of the tribe : Provided further, That this able. appropriation shall be immediately available .