Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/356

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74TH CONGRESS . SESS. I. CHS. 155, 156. MAY 28, 29, 1935 .

311 sixteen one-hundredths acres, more or less, above mean high-water line, except a tract twelve feet square between the tower and shore line which is required for lighthouse purposes, together with wooden frame dwelling and other buildings and structures thereon, except the lighthouse lantern atop the lighthouse tower, which will be removed by the Government . The Government reserves the privilege of landing at the reservation and the right to pass and repass between the shore and the plot upon which the tower is to be erected . The deed of conveyance will contain a metes and bounds description of the property to be conveyed . The said parcel of land was acquired by the United States by warranty deed dated July 11, 1849, which was recorded on July 12, 1849, in book 66, page 526, Waldo County, Maine . SE C. 36. Each conveyance authorized by sections 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, Conditions imposed . 11, 12, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 27, 28 and 37 shall be subject to the express condition that the grantee assumes the obligations imposed by such sections, including carrying out the purposes of the grant . The Secretatry of Commerce may at any time, by letter addressed Reversionary clause. to its chief executive officer or officers, notify any such grantee which has not begun to perform any such obligation that the property so conveyed will revert to the United States ; and if such grantee does not begin or resume the performance of such obligation within a perio d of si x months from t he date of suc h notic e, such propert y shall, upon the expiration of such period, revert to the United States without further notice or demand or any suit or proceeding . The United States reserves the right to resume ownership, possession, and control, for Government purposes, of any of the property so conveyed, at any time and without the consent of the grantee . SEC . 37. The Secretary of Commerce is authorized to convey to the Grosse Point . city o f Evansto n, Illin ois, for public-pa rk purpos es the G rosse Poi nt tononniyedror public Lighthouse Reservation, comprising an area of about one hundred park. feet by five hundred and thirty-five feet and appurtenant structures thereon with the exception of the brick light tower and the plot of land surrounding same about forty-five feet by sixty-five feet, together with the rights of ingress and egress, for the purpose of maintaining the light . The deed of conveyance shall describe by metes a nd boun ds the p ortion of the reserva tion tra nsferre d, and the condi tions im posed by section 3 6 of thi s Act . Approved, May 28, 1935 . [CHAPTER 156 .] AN ACT 112ay 29, 1935. To authorize the disposal of surplus personal property, including buildings, of ts . s2.1 the Emergency Conservation Work .

[Public, No. 92.1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the Director of Proc urement , United States Treasu ry Depa rtment, be, and he is hereby, author ized and direct ed to t ransfer to Fede ral age ncies, either permanent or emergency, personal property which is no longer required for use by the Emergency Conservation Work, including equipment, tools, materials, and buildings, when so declared sur- plus by the Director of the Emergency Conservation Work : Pro- vi ded, Th at upon the recommendation of the Department under which the technical work of the camp was organized and supervised any such surplus property that is not desired by any Federal agency ma y be tr ansferr ed witho ut cost , excep t for e xpenses inciden t to tr ansfer, t o the for estry, pa rk, cons ervation, or educa tional de part- ments of the States, or to counties or municipalities, or to organiza- Emergency Conser- vation Wor k . Disposal of surplus property authorized . Proviso . Transfer to States,etc. 70


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