Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/357

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74T H CONGRESS . SESS. I. CHS . 156-159 . MAY 29, 19 35. tions engaged in the promotion of education, recreation, and/or health . sales . through SEC. 2. Surplus property of the Emergency Conservation Work not required to serve any of the above purposes will be disposed of by the Director of Procurement through sale or in any other manner he may direct . Approved, May 29, 1935 . [CHAPTER 157.1

AN ACT May 29, 193$. [H . R. 2045.1

To set aside certain lands f or the Ch ippewa Indian s in th e State of Min nes ota . Be it enacted by the Se nate and House of Representati ves of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the follow- ing-described lands are hereby withdrawn from the Minnesota National Forest Reserve under the Department of Agriculture and are hereby permanently reserved as Indian lands for the use of the Chippewas in the State of Minnesota, without in any manner affect- ing existing reserves for church, cemetery, or other purposes, or indi- vidual rights and interests in said lands South half southwest quarter northeast quarter and lots 9 to 30, inclusive, section 17, township 142 north, range 30 west, fifth princi- pal meridian, Minnesota, containing one hundred and sixty-eight and forty-four one-hundredths acres . S Ec . 2 . Said lands are hereby p ermanently reserved in trust for the use of the Chippewa Indians of Minnesota for village site purpo ses . SEC . 3 . The Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized to withdraw from the Chippewa tribal fund now held in trust in the Treasury of the United States a sufficient sum to reimburse the United States for any moneys p aid said Chippewa Indians for these lands . Approved, May 29, 1935 . [Public, No . 83 .] Chippewa Indians in Minnesota. Certain lands set aside for use of. Description . Permanent reserva- tion declared. Reimbursement from Indian funds. [CHAPTER 158.] May 29, 1935 . [H.Ii.3975.1 [Public, No . 84 .1

at or near Sea Island Beach . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives o the sea Island Beach, United States of America in Congress assembled, That the ecre- GEstablisbmentof tary of the Treasury is authorized to establish a Coast Guard sta .. Coast Guardstationat, authorized.

tion on the coast of Georgia, at or near Sea Island Beach, at such point as the Com mandant of the C oast Guard may r ecommend . Approved, May 29, 1935 . May 29, 1935 . [H. R. 6954.1 [Public, No . 85 .] Gre en Lake Fish Cultural Station, Me . Transfer of, to Acadia National Park author- ized . Vol.40,p.1178;Vol. 45, p. 1083. AN ACT To provide for the establishment of a Coast Guard station on the coast of Georgia, [CH APT ER 159 .] AN ACT To authorize the transfer of the Green Lake Fish Cultural Station in Hancock County, Maine, as an addition to Acadia National Park . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the Sec- retary of Commerce be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to transfer to the control and jurisdiction of the Secretary of the Interior as an addition to the Acadia National Park, established under the Act of February 26, 1919 (40 Stat . 1178), and Acts sup- plemental thereto, all that tract of land containing eight hundred