Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/411

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366 Maintenance, etc. Repairs, etc. Incidental expenses. District Training School. Personal services. Maintenance, etc . Post, p. 1614 . Repairs, etc . Indu stria l Ho me School for Colored Chi ldren . Salaries. Maintenance, etc. Post, p.1614. Repairs, e tc . Industrial Home School . Salaries. Maintenance. Repairs, e tc . Home for Aged and Indrm. Salaries. Contingent expenses . Post, p. 1615. Repairs, etc.; day labor . Municipal lodging house . 74TH CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 241. JUNE 14, 1935. For maintenance of the hospital ; for maintenance of the quaran- tine station, smallpox hospital, and public crematorium, including expenses incident to furnishing proper containers for the reception, burial, and identification of the ashes of all human bodies of indi- gent persons that are cremated at the public crematorium and remain unclaimed after twelve months from the date of such cremation ; for maintenance and purchase of horses and horse-drawn vehicles ; for medical books, books of reference, and periodicals not to exceed $500 ; for maintenance of non-passenger-carrying motor vehicles ; and for all other necessary expenses, $230,000 . For repairs and improvements to buildings and grounds, $4,500. Purchase of books, musical instruments and music, expense of co mmen cem ent exe rci ses, en ter tain men ts, and inspection by New York State Boa rd of Reg ents, an d other i ncidental expense s of the training school for nurses, $600 . D ISTRIC T TRAI NING S CHOOL For personal services , includ ing not t o exceed $1,000 f or tem- porary labor, $90,540 . For maintenance and othe r necessary expenses, including the maintenance of non-passenger-carrying motor vehicles, the purchase and maintenance of horses and wagons, farm machinery and imple- ments , and not to excee d $200 f or the pu rchase of books, books of reference, and periodicals, $84,000 . For repairs and improvements to buildings and grounds, $5,000 . INDUSTR IAL HOME SCHOOL FOR COLORED CHILDREN Salaries : For personal services, $35,970 ; temporary labor, $500 ; iii all, $36,470 . For maintenance, includi ng purchase and maintenance of farm implements, horses, wagons, and harness, and maintenance of non- passenger-carrying motor vehicles, and not to exceed $1,250 for manual-t raining equipment and mate rials, $25 ,5 00 . For repairs and improvements to buildings and grounds, $2,500. IN DUSTRI AL HOM E SCH OOL Salaries : For personal services, $24,200 ; temporary labor, $500 ; in all, $24,700 . For maintenance, including purchase of equipment, maintenance of non-passenger-carrying motor vehicle, $22,500 . For repairs and improvements to buildings and grounds, $2,500 . HOME FOR AG ED AND INFIR M Salaries : For personal services, $61,880 ; temporary labor, $2,000 ; in all, $63,880 . For provisions, fuel, forage, harness, and vehicles and repairs to same, ice, shoes, clothing, dry goods, tailoring, drugs and medical supplies, furniture and bedding, kitchen utensils, and other neces- sary items, and maintenance of non-passenger-carrying motor vehicles, $70,000 . For repairs and improvements to buildings an d grounds, such work to be performed by day labor or otherwise in the discretion of the Commissioners, $4,500 . MUNICIPAL L ODG ING HOU SE AND WOO D Y ARD For personal services, $3,600 ; maintenance, $4,000 ; in all, $7,600 .