Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/42

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X]iV LIS T OF PUBLIC ACT S AND RESOLUTIONS . Page . Nation al De fense Act, amendment . AN ACT To amend the Act of June 6, 1924, entitled "An Act to amend in certain particulars the National Defense Act of June 3, 1916, as amended, and for other purposes June 24, 1936__ 1900 Nev ad a, issue of duplicate check . AN ACT For the relief of the State of Nevada

June 24,1 936_- 190 0 Distri ct of C olumbia , reck less d riving . AN ACT To ame nd the Act app rov ed Feb rua ry 27, 1931, known as the Distri ct of Colum bia T raffic Act June 24, 1936_ _ 1901 Alameda, Calif., naval air s tation . A N ACT To authorize the acquisition of lands in the city of Alameda, county of Alameda, State of California, as a site for a naval air station and to authorize the co nstruction and inst allation of a naval air station thereo n

June 24,1 936__ 1901 National Defense Act, amendment. AN ACT To amend the National Defense Act relating to the Medical Administrative Corps J une 24,19 36__ 1902 Fort Moultriei, S . C. AN ACT Authorizing and directing the Secretary of War to lease land on the ZFort M oultr ie (So uth C arolin a) Mi litary Rese rvatio n to the ow ners of cer tain cottages thereon June 24, 1 936__ 1903 United States courts , thir d circuit . AN ACT Authorizing the appointment of an additional circuit judge for the third circuit Ju ne 24, 1936 __ 1903 Canal Zone Code, a me ndm en ts . ANACT To amend the Canal Zone Code-- -June 24, 1936-- 190 3 Arm y Air Corps . AN ACT To provide more effectively for the national defens e by furthe r i ncr easi ng the effectiveness and effi cie ncy of the Air Corps of the Army of the United States June 24, 1936__ 1907 Orland reclamation project, Calif . AN ACT For the relief of the Orland reclamation proj- ect,California J une 24,19 36_- 1907 United States Court for China, jurisdiction . A N ACTo extend the jurisdiction of the United States Court for China to offenses committed on the high seas June 24, 1936_ _ 1909 Pensions . AN ACT To in cre ase the pe nsi on to certain ve ter ans of the Regular Establish- ment on the r olls March 19, 1933 June 24, 1936__ 1910 North Carolina Eastern Judicial District . AN ACT To ame nd the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the times and places for holding court for the eastern district of North Carolina", approved May 10, 1928, as amended (U . S . C ., 1934 edition, title 28, sec. 179; U. S. C., Supp. I, title 28, sec. 179) June 24, 1936_ _ 191 0 Roanoke Island, N. C. AN ACT To authorize the coinage of 50-cent pieces incommemora- tion of the three hundred and fiftieth anniversary of Sir Walter Raleigh's colony on Roanoke Island, North Carolina, known in history as the Lost Colony, and the birth of Virginia Dare, the first child of English parentage to be born on the Ameri- c an con tinent June 24,1 936__ 1911 Grand Haven Lighthouse Reservation, Mich . AN ACT To amend the Act of Congress ap- proved May 27, 19 35 (Pub lic , N umb ered 73, Seventy-fourth Congress), authorizing the Secretary of Commer ce to convey to the city of Grand Have n, Michigan, certai n port ions of the Grand H aven Lighthouse Res ervation, Michigan_ __ June 24, 1936__ 1911 Federal land banks, etc. AN ACT To amend the Federal Farm Loan Act and the Farm Credit Act of 1935, and for other purposes June 24, 1 936__ 1912 Gras shoppe rs . JOINT RESOLUTION To enable the Secretary of Agriculture to apply such methods of control of grasshoppers as in his judgment ma y be necessary

J une 24,1936__ 1912 Pocatello, Idaho. JOINT RESOLUTION Providing for the establishment of a game man- agem ent supply depot and laboratory, and for other purposes ---- June 24, 1936_ _ 191 3 San Francisco, Calif ., causeway, etc . JOINT RESOLUTION Granting the consent of Con- gress to the city and county of San Francisco to construct a causeway and highways on Yerba Buena Island in San Francisco Bay, and for other purposes--June 24,1936_- 1913 Agricultural imp le me nts and machinery. JOINT RESOLUTIONTo investigate corpora- tions engaged in the manufacture, sale, or distribution of agricultural implements and m achin ery June 24,1936__ 1914 Soil Conserva tion and Domestic A llotment Act, amend ment . JOI NT RES OLUTIO N Amen d- ing section 11 of the Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act_ _June 24,1936- - 1915 Battle of Antietam . JOINT RESO LUTION To pro vide for the participatio n of the Uni ted States in the commemoration of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the Battle of Antie- tam June 24,1936-- 1916 Battle of Gettysburg. JO INT R ESOL UTION For the e stab lishm ent of a c ommis sion in c om- memoration of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg in 1938

June 24, 1 936__ 1916 Citizenship . AN ACT To repatriate native-born women who have heretofore lost their citizenship by marriage to an alien, and for other purposes June 25, 1 936-- 1917 District of Columbia, boiler in sp ect io n . A N AC T To provide for t he inspection, cont rol, and regulation of steam boilers and unfired pressure vessels in the District of Columbia

June 25,1936__ 19 17 Port of New York Authority . AN ACT To provide for the ent ry und er bond of ex hib its of arts, sciences, and industries, and products of the soil, mine, and sea, and all other exhibits for exposition purposes June 25,1936__ 1920 Dist rict o f Col umbia, Supr eme Co urt . AN ACT To am end an Act of Congr ess appro ved March 3, 1863, entitled "An Act to reorganize the courts in the District of Columbia, and for other purp oses June 25,1936__ 1921