Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/520

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74TH CONGRE SS . SESS. I. CH. 374. JULY 8, 1935 .

475 Section 12 of t he Printing Act , approved Janu ary 12, 1895 ( U . S . C ., title 44, sec . 14), is hereby amended to read as follows : " The Joint Committee on Printing may permit the Public Printer to authorize any executive department or independent office or estab- lishment of the Government to purchase direct for its use such printing, binding, and blank-book work, otherwise authorized by law, as the Government Printing Office is not able or suitably equipped to execute or as may be more economically or in the better interest of the Government executed elsewhere ; and such Joint Com- mitt ee also may aut horize the Publ ic Printer to procure service s, material s, and supplies for use of th e Government Pr inting Office without regard to the provisions of section 3709 of the Revised Statutes (U . S . C ., title 41, sec. 5) whenever the aggregate amount involved is less than $50 ." Printing and binding for Congress chargeable to the foregoing appropriation, when recommended to be done by the Committee on Printing of either House, shall be so recommended in a report containing an approximate estimate of the cost thereof, together with a s tatement from t he Public Prin ter of estimate d approximate cost of work previously ordered by Congress within the fiscal year for which this appropriation is made . During the fiscal year 1936 any executive department or inde- pendent establishment of the Government ordering printing and binding from the Government Printing Office shall pay promptly by check to the Public Printer upon his written request, either in advance or upon completion of the work, all or part of the esti- mated or actual cost thereof, as the case may be, and bills rendered by the P ublic Printer i n accordance h erewith shall n ot be subject to audit or certification in advance of payment : Provided, That proper adjustments on the basis of the actual cost of delivered work paid for in advance sha ll be made mon thly or quarter ly and as may be a greed upon by t he Public Print er and the dep artment or esta b- lishment concerned . All sums paid to the Public Printer for work that he is authorized by law to do shall be deposited to the credit, on the books of the Treasury Department, of the appropriation made for the working capital of the Government Printing Office, for the year in which the work is done, and be subject to requisition by t he Public Print er . All amounts in the Budget for the fiscal year 1937 for printing and binding for any department or establishment, so far as the Bureau of the Budget may deem practicable, shall be incorporated in a single item for printing and binding for such department or esta blishment and b e eliminated as a part of any estimate for a ny other purpose . And if any amounts for printing and binding are included as a part of any estimates for any other purposes, such amounts shall be set forth Vin detail in a note immediately following the general estimat e for printing and binding : P rov ide d, T ha t t he foregoing requirements shall not apply to work to be executed at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing . No part of any money appropriated in this Act shall be paid to Restriction on pay- an

ing d etaile d emplo yees . k y person employed in the Government Printing Office while deta iled for or per forming service in the execut ive branch of t he ublic service of the United States unless such detail be authorized law . OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS For the Superintendent of Documents, assistant superintendent, and other personal services in accordance with the Classification Act of 1923, as amended, and compensation of employees paid by the Purchases of materi- als by Gove rnment offices . Vol.28,p.602;U .S. C., p. 1930 . Post, p.1392. R. S., sec . 3709, p, 733; U. S. C.,p. 1803 . Congressional work . Payment for work ordered by depart- ments, etc. Pr oviso . Adjustments of ac° counts . S ums p aid for wo k- to be credit ed to work- ing capital . Esti mates for depart - ments, etc., to be incor- por ate d in a sin gle item . Proviso . Engraving and Print- ing Bureau excepted. Office of Superi ntend . ent of Documents . Superintendent and personnel . Vol. 46 p .1003 . LT. S. a.,p.85.