Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/54

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74 TH CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 3. FEBRUARY 2, 1935 .

9 law books, books of reference, periodicals ; stationery and supplies ; traveling expenses ; fees and mileage of witnesses ; contract steno- graphic reporting services ; rent at the seat of government and else- where ; and miscellaneous items ; $464,000 . For all printing and binding for the Employees' Compensation Commission, $5,000 . Employees' compensation fund : For the payment of compe nsa- saE Employees' compen- tion provided by "An Act to provide compensation for employees V s39,p. 749'1. of the United States suffering injuries while in the performance of their duties, and for other purposes ", approved September 7, 1916 (U . S . C ., title 5, sec . 785), including medical examinations, travel- ing and other expenses, and loss of wages payable to employees under sections 21 and 22 ; all services, appliances, and supplies pro- vided by section 9 as amended, including payments to Army and Navy hospitals ; the transportation and burial expenses provided by sections 9 and 11 ; and advancement of costs for the enforcement of recoveries provided in sections 26 and 27 where necessary, accru- ing during the fiscal year 1936 or in prior fiscal years, $4,250,000 . EM PLOYEES COMPENSATION FUND, CIVIL WORKS For admin istra tive expen ses and payment of compe nsati on i n connection with the administration of the benefits for employees of the Civil Works Administration in accordance with the provisions of the A ct ent itled "An Ac t maki ng an additi onal a ppropr iation to carry out the purposes of the F ederal Emergency Relief Act of 1933, for continuation of the Civil Works program, and for other purposes ", approved February 15, 1934 (48 Stat ., p . 352), $2,081,000 of the special fund set up on the books of the Treasury pursuant to the provisions of said Act shall be available for expenditure during the fiscal year 1936 . EM PLOY EES CO MPENS ATION FUND , EME RGENC Y CONSERVATION WO RK For admin istra tive expen ses and payment of compe nsati on i n connection with the administration of the benefits for enrollees of th e Civi lian C onserv ation Corps in acc ordanc e with the p rovisi ons of the Act en t i tl e d " Emergenc y Appropriation Act, fiscal ye ar 1935 ", approved June 19, 1934 (48 Stat ., p . 1057), $1,056,000 of the special fund set up on the books of the Treasury pursuant to the provisions of said Act shall be available for expenditure during the fiscal year 1936 . Total, Employees' Compensation Commission, $4,719,000 . FEDE RAL COMM UNI CATI ONS COM MISS ION For seven commissioners, and for all other authorized expendi- tures of the Federal Communications Commission in performing the duties imposed by the Communications Act of 1934, approved June 19, 1934 (48 Stat ., p . 1064), the Ship Act of 1910, approved June 24, 1910, as amended (U. S. C., title 46, sees . 484 1 87), the Interna- tional Radiotelegraphic Convention (45 Stat ., pt . 2, p . 2760), and Executiv e Order Numbered 3513, dated J uly 9, 1921, as amended under date of June 30, 1934, relating to applications for submarine cable licenses, including personal services, contract stenographic reporting services, rental of quarters, newspapers, periodicals, refer- ence books, law books, special counsel fees, supplies and equipment, including purchase and exchange of instruments, which may be pur- chased w ithout regard to section 3709 of the Revised Statutes Printing and binding. Burial ,

etc .,

ex. penses. Recoveries . Employees compen- sation fund, Civil Wor ks . Administrative ex- penses and compensa- tion pa yments. Vol. 48, pp. 55, 352. Employees compen- sation fund, Emer- g e n c y Conservation Work. Administrative ex- penses and compensa- tion payments . Vol. 48, p. 1056. Federal Communica- tions Commission . Salaries and expenses. Vol.48,p.1064. Vol .



629; U.S.C.,p.2031. submarine cable li- cense s . Vol . 45, p. 2760. Posy p. 2391. Minor purchases . R.S.,see.3709,p.733. U.S.C.,p.1503.