Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/597

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74TH CONGRESS . SESS . I. CH. 498 . AUGUST 9, 1935 . r equireme nts, ru les, and regula tions of the Co mmission thereu nder, and that the proposed service, to the extent to be authorized by the certificate, is or will be required by the present or future public convenience and necessity ; otherwise such application shall be denied : Proviso .

Provided, however, That no such certificate shall be issued to any Restriction . common carrier of passengers by motor vehicle for operations over other than a regular route or routes, and between fixed termini, except as such carriers may be authorized to engage in special or charter operations . " (b) No certificate issued under this part shall confer any pro- prietary or property rights in the use of the public highways . Terms and cond i-

" tions of cert ificate .

AND CONDITIONS OF CERTIFICATE . Terms to be speci- " SEC. 208 . (a) Any certificate issued under section 206 or 207 fied. shall specify the service to be rendered and the routes over which, the fix ed termi ni, if any, bet ween wh ich, an d the in termedi ate and off-route points, if any, at which, and in case of operations not over specified routes or between fixed termini, the territory within which, Conditions and limi- the motor carrier is authorized to operate ; and there shall, at the tations to be attached . time of issuance and from time to time thereafter, be attached to the exercise of the privileges granted by the certificate such reason- able te rms, con ditions , and li mitatio ns as t he publi c co nve nie nce and neces sity may from tim e to time req uire, including terms, conditions, and limitations as to the extension of the route or routes of the carrier, and such terms and conditions as are necessary to carry out, with respect to the operations of the carrier, the require- Ante, p.546.

ments established by the Commission under section 204 (a) (1) Proviso .

and (6) : Provided, however, That no terms, conditions, or limita- Right to improve equipment, etc . tions shall restrict the right of the carrier to add to his or its equipme nt and f aciliti es over the rou tes, be tween th e termi ni, or within the territory sp ecified in the certificat e, as the development of the business and the demands of the public shall require . Deviation from regu- " (b) A common carrier by motor vehicle operating under any lar route. such certificate may occasionally deviate from the route over which, and/or the fixed termini between which, it is authorized to operate under the certificate, under such general or special rules and regu- lations as the Commiss ion may prescri be . Transportation of " (c) Any common carrier by motor vehicle transporting pa s- charter ed parties . sengers under a certificate issued under this part may transport in interstate or foreign commerce to any place special or chartered parties under such rules and regulations as the Commission shall have rescribed . Of mail, baggage, etc . "(d~ A certificate for the transportation of passengers may include authority to transport in the same vehicle with the passengers, newspapers, baggage of passengers, express, or mail, or to transport baggage of passengers in a separate vehicle . "PERMITS FOR CONTRACT CARRIERS BY MOTOR VEHICLE " SEC. 209. (a) No person shall engage in the business of a contract carrier by motor vehicle in interstate or foreign commerce on any public highway or within any reservation under the exclusive juris- diction of the United States unless there is in force with respect to such carrier a permit issued by the Commission, authorizing such person to engage in such business : Provided, That, subject to section 210, if any such carrier or a predecessor in interest was in bona fide operation as a contract carrier by motor vehicle on July 1, 1935, over the route or routes or within the territory for which application Permits for contract carriers by motor ve- hicle. Necessity of. Provisos . When may be issued withou t furthe r pro- cee dings .