Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/6

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viii LIST OF PUBL IC A CTS AND RESOLUTIONS . Page . California-Pacific International Exposition . AN ACT To authorize the coinage of 50-cent pieces in connection with the California-Pacific International Exposition to be held in San Diego, California, in 1935 and 1936 May 3, 1935_-

174 District of Columbia, public works . AN ACT To amend an Act approved June 25, 1934, authorizing loans from the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works, for the construction of certain municipal buildings in the District of Columbia, and for other purposes May 6,1935__ 174 Key West, Fla ., naval station . AN ACT To authorize the Secretary of the Navy and the S ecre tary of Comm erce to exch ange a portion of the naval stat ion and a portion of the lighthouse reservation at Key West, Florida May 8, 1935_- 175 R ear A dmi ral Byrd, etc ., gratitude extended . JOIN T R ESOL UTI ON Exte ndi ng the gra ti- tude of the Nation to Admiral Byrd and to the members of his expedition

May 8,1935__

176 Re ar Admir al Byrd, committ ee to gr eet . JOI NT RES OLUTIO N Auth orizin g the appoi nt- me nt ofa special joint committee to meet with other representatives of the Govern- ment in greeting Rear Admiral Richard E . Byrd upon his return f rom his second Anta rcti c Ex pedi tion May 8, 1935-_

176 Appropriations, Interior Department, fiscal year 193 6. AN ACT Ma king ap pro pria tio ns for the Department of the Interior for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1936, and for other purposes May 9,1935__

176 U. S. Employment Service, State a pportionments . AN ACT To alter the amount appor- tioned to certain States for public employment offices affiliated with the United States Employment Service May 10,1935-- 216 Dist rict of Colu mbia , My stic Shr ine conv enti on . JOI NT RESOLUTION To enable the Commissioners of the District of Columbia to defray certain expenses incident to the convention of the Imperial Cou nc il of the Mystic Sh ri ne, J une 8 to Ju ne 17, 1935, both inclusive May 10,1935__

217 Rocky Boy Indian Reservation, Mont ., a ddition . AN ACT To add cert ain pub lic- dom ain land in Montana to the Rocky Boy Indian Reservation May 14,1935-- 217 Philippine Islands, Army details . AN ACT To amend the Act of May 19, 1926, entitled "An Act to authorize the President to detail officers and enlisted men of the United States Army, Navy, and Marine Corps to assist the governments of the Latin- Ame rica n Re publ ics in m ilit ary and naval matters May 14,1935-- 218 Appropriations, Treasury and Post Office Departments, fiscal year 1936. AN ACT Making app ropr iati ons for the Trea sury and Pos t Of fice Dep artm ents for the fis cal year ending June 30, 1936, and for other purposes May 14,1935-- 218 Connecticut Colony, commemoration . JOINT RESOLUTION Establishing a commission for the participation of the United States in the observance of the three hundredth an nive rsar y of the fou ndin g of the Col ony of C onne ctic ut, auth oriz ing an appro- priation to be utilized in connection with such observance, and for other purposes May 14,1935-- 244 Crow Indians, revolving fund. ANACT Extending the time for repayment of the revolving fund for the benefit of the Crow Indians May 15,1935-- 244 Ket chik an, Alas ka, bond i ssue . AN ACT To authorize the city of Ketchikan, Alaska, to issu e bonds in any sum not to exceed $1,000, 000 for the purp ose of a cquiring the electric light and power, water, and telephone properties of the Citizens' Light, Power, and Water Company, and to finance and operate the same, and validating the preliminary proceedings with respect thereto, and for other purposes

May 15,1935-- 245 Bankruptcy Act of 1898, amendments . AN ACT To amend an Act entitled "An Act to estab- lish a unifo rm syste m of ban kruptcy througho ut the U nited St ates", a pproved July 1, 1898, and Ac ts am end at ory and sup ple me nta ry thereto May 15,1935-- 246 Colonel William L. Keller. AN ACT To give pro per reco gnit ion to the distinguished ser v- ices of Colonel William L. Keller May 15,1935-- 247 Appropriations, Department of Agriculture, etc ., fiscal year 1936 . AN ACT Making appro- p riat ions for the Dep artm ent of Agriculture and for the Farm Cred it A dmin istr a- tion for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1936, and for other purposes- May 17, 1935_ - 247 Seward, Alaska, electric s ystem . AN ACT Conce rning the inc orporat ed town of Sew ard, Territory of Alaska May 20,1935__ 282 Washington-Lincoln Memori al Gettysburg Boulevard . JOINT RESOLUTION For the establishment of a commission for the construction of a Washin gton-Lincoln Me mori al G ett ysbu rg Boul evar d c onne ctin g the p res ent Linc oln Mem oria l in the city of Washington with the battlefield of Gettysburg in the Stat e of Pen n- sylvania May 20,1935__ 285 Public lands, homestead entries . AN ACT Gran ting a leave of abse nce to s ettl ers of h ome- stead lands during the year 1935 May 22,1935__ 286 Interstate Commerce Commission r eport . AN ACT To amend section 21 of the Interstate Commerce Act , as ame nd ed, w ith re sp ect to the ti me of making the annual report of the Interstate Commerce Commission May 23, 1935-- 287 Walter Ree d Gen era l Hospital . JO INT RESOLUTION To authorize the acceptance on behalf of the United States of the bequest of the late Major General Fred C. Ai nsworth for the purpose of estab lishing a perman ent libr ary at t he Walte r Reed General Hospital to be known as the "Fred C. Ainsworth Endowment Library"

May 23,1935__ 287