Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/629

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584 Sioux Sanatorium, etc.,S. Dak. Balance reappropri- ated . Vol. 47, pp. 412, 783. Post,p. 1777. Public school build- ings, construction . Past, p . 1773. Ante, pp . 327-331. Ante, pp . 333, 336. Provis os. Plans, etc . Monthly payments . United States to re- coup expenditures . National Park Serv- i ce. Rennesaw Moun- tain National Battle- field Park . Ante, p. 423 . Post, p . 1794. 74 TH CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 508. AUGUST 12, 1935. in the Interior Department Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1936, approved May 9, 1935, is hereby made available for the expenses of such audit from and after February 1, 1935, and the contract or contracts for such audit may be made retroactive to February 1, 1935 . Conservation of health among Indians (Sioux Sanatorium and employees' quarters, South Dakota) : The unexpended balance of the appropriation of $375,000 (including the amount impounded under section 320 of the Act of June 30, 1932), contained in the Interior Department Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1932, and con- tinued available by the Acts of April 22, 1932 7 and February 17, 1933, for the construction of the Sioux Sanatorium and employees' quarters at Pierre, South Dakota, is hereby reappropriated and made available until June 30, 1937, for such a sanatorium and employees' quarters at such place in South Dakota as the Secretary of the Interior shall select . Construction, enlargement, or improvement of public-school build- ing s : For co operation with publi c-school d istricts i n the const ruction, enlargement, or improvement of local public elementary or high schools, including purchase of necessary equipment, as authorized by and in conformity with numerous Acts of the Seventy-fourth Congress approved June 7, 1935, fiscal year 1936, $931,000, as follows Queets, W ashington, $10,000 (Public, Numbered 111) ; Glacier County, Montana, $100,000 (Public, Numbered 103) ; Wolf Point, Montana, $50,000 (Public, Numbered 104) ; Poison, Montana, $40,000 (Public, Numbered 105) ; Lak e and Missou la Counties , Montana, $10 0,00 0 (Public, Numbered 106) ; Bro ckto n, M ont ana, $40 ,000 (Public, Numbered 107) ; Poplar, Montana, $25,000 (Public, Num- bered 108) ; Marysville, Washington, $38,000 ( Publ ic, Num bere d 110) ; Frazer, Mon tana, $25,0 00 (Public, Numbered 109) ; W hite Swan, Washington, $50,000 (Public, Numbered 112)

Covelo, Cali-

fornia, $50,000 (Public, Numbered 113) ; Shannon County, South Dakota, $125,000 (Public, Numbered 114) ; Big Horn County, Mon- tana (district numbered 27), $80,000 (Public, Numbered 119)


County, Montana, $15,000 (Public, Numbered 120) ; Medicine Lake, Montana, $25,000 (Public, Numbered 127) ; Hardin and Crow Agency, Big Horn County, Montana (district 17-H), $158,000 (Public, Numbered 126) : Provided, That plans and specifications for construction, enlargement, or improvement of structures shall be furnished by local or State authorities, without cost to the United States, and upon approval thereof by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs actual work shall proceed under the direction of such local or State officials . Payment for work in place shall be made monthly, on vouchers properly certified by local officials of the Indian Service : Provi ded furthe r, That any amount expended on any project here- under shall be recouped by the United States within a period of thirty years, commencing with the date of occupancy of the project, thr ough reduci ng th e annu al Fe deral tuiti on pay ments for t he ed u- cation of Indian pupils enrolled in public or high schools of the district involved, or by the acceptance of Indian pupils in such schools without cost to the United States ; and in computing the amount of recoupment for each project interest at 3 per centum per annu m shal l be includ ed on unrec ouped balan ces . NATIONAL PA RK SERVICE Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park : To carry out the purpos es of Publi c Act Number ed 167, Seve nty-fourth Congress, entitled "An Act to create a national memorial military park at