Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/67

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74 TH CONGRESS . SESS. I. CHS. 5, 6. FEBRUARY 4, 13, 193 5 . mak e payment of interest to the date of withdr awal whether or vol . 36, p. 817 ; not a regular interest payment date . No further on nal issue of u. S. C.,p. 1751.

bonds authorized by section 10 of the Act approved June 25, 1910 (U. S. C., title 39, sec. 760), shall be made after July 1, 1935 . Postal serv ice cm- "( f) At the request of the Secretary of the Treasury the Post- ployees as fiscal agents .


y m aster Ge neral, under su ch regu lations as he m ay pres cribe, s hall require the employees of the Post Office Department and of the P ostal Se rvice t o perfor m, with out extr a compe nsation , such f iscal agency services as may be desirable and practicable in connection w ith the issue, delivery , safe- keeping, redemp tion, a nd payme nt of the Savings Bonds ." Acceptance of ov- SEd . 7 . Section 1126 of the Revenue Act of 1926 is amended by ern ment bo nds as se- curity .

adding at the end thereof the following : "In order to avoid the Vol. 44, p.122, f requent substit ution of securi ties suc h rules and re gulation s may limit the effect of this section, in appropriate classes of cases, to bonds and notes of the United States maturing more than a year Term construed, after the date of deposit of such bonds as security . The phrase `bonds or notes of the United States' shall be deemed, for the purposes of this section, to mean any public-debt obligations of the United States and any bonds, notes or other obligations which are unconditionally guaranteed as to both interest and principal by the United States ." Approved, February 4, 1935 . [ CHAPTER 6.] JOINT RESOLUTION February 13, 1935 . [H.J. Res.88.1 Making additional appropriations for the Federal Communications Commission, [Pub . Res., No. 3.]

the National Mediation Board, and the Securities and Exchange Commission for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1935, and for other purposes . Resolved by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the ations, fisca l A ddi tion al year 1935. 193ri- United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the following sums ar e appro priated, out of any mon ey in t he Treas ury not other- wise appropriated, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1935, for the purposes hereinafter enumerated, namely S ena te,

SENATE Miscellaneous items . For miscellaneous items, exclusive of labor, fiscal year 1935, $140,000 . Inquiries and inves- For expenses of inquiries and investigations ordered by the Senate, tigations . Post, p . 571 .

Including compensation to stenographers of committees, at such rate as may be fixed by the Committee to Audit and Control the Con- tingent Expenses of the Senate, but not exceeding 25 cents per Provisos . hundred words, fiscal year 1935, $75,000 : Provided, That no part salary restriction, of this appropriation shall be expended for services, personal, pro- fessional, or otherwise, in excess of the rate of $3,600 per ann um P er diem and subsi st- Provided further, That no part of this appropriation shall be 0v o expenses . ss.

expended for per diem and subsistence expenses except in accordance u. S. C.,p.103.

with the provisions of the Subsistence Expense Act of 1926, approved June 3, 1926, as amended . appointed of Senators Sa lari es of Sen ators app ointe d to fill vac ancie s in the Sena te sh all commence on the day of their appointment and continue until their Elected to succeed successors are elected and qualified : Provided, That when Senators appointees after an ad- have been elected during a sine die adjournment of the Senate to jourument.

succeed appoin tees, th e salar ies of S enators so elec ted sha ll com- mence on the day following their election.