Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/703

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658 Pro visos . Time limi t for use . Placing and remov ing wires. No Government lia- bility . Wires over parks, etc . Licens es to ped dlers, etc. Overhead wires . Use of unocc upied publi c bui lding s . Provisos . Su rrender of, a fter session closes . Bond. Boy Sco ut jamboree . Authority here in granted not to affect permits to. Ante, pp.105,443. Sh rine Convention . P rovis ions of Act ap- plicable to . 74T H CONGRESS. SESS . I. CH . 557. AUGUST 17, 1935. the nearest practicable connection with the present supply of light, for the purpose of effecting special illumination : Provided, That the said conductors shall not be used for the conveying of electrical cur- rents after September 2, 1935, and shall, with their supports, be fully and entirely removed from the public spaces, streets, and avenues of the said city of Washington on or before September 25, 1935 : Provided further, That the stretching and removing of the said wires shall be under the supervision of the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, who shall see that the provisions of this resolution are enforced ; that all needful precautions are taken for the protection of the public ; and that the pavement of any street, avenue, or alley disturbed is replaced in as good condition as before entering upon the work herein authorized : And provided further, That no expe nse or d amage o n accoun t of or due to the str etching, operation, or removing of the said temporary overhead conductors shall be incurred by the United States or the District of Columbia, and that if it shall be necessary to erect wires for illuminating or other purposes over any park or reservation in the District of Columbia the work of erection and removal of said wires shall be under the supervision of the officer in charge of said park or reservation . SEC. 9. That the Commissioners of the District of Columbia are hereby authorized to grant, subject to approval of said committee and u nder su ch condi tions a s they m ay impo se, spec ial lic enses to peddlers, merchants, and vendors to sell goods, wares, and merchan- dise on the streets, avenues, and sidewalks in the District of Colum- bia during said session, and to charge for such privileges such fees as they may deem proper . SEC . 10 . That the Commissioners of the District of Columbia are hereby authorized to permit the telegraph and telephone companies to extend overhead wires to such points as shall be deemed necessary by the said committee, the said wires to be taken down within ten days after the conclusion of the session. SeC. 11 . That the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of t he Treas ury are hereby authori zed to a ssign t o said c ommitte e for use and occupancy during said session such unoccupied public build- ings or portions thereof in the District of Columbia as, in its dis- cretion, may appear advisable : Provided, That any and all buildings so assigned shall be surrendered within ten days after the close of the said session : Provided further, That the said committee shall furnish a bond or other satisfactory assurance of indemnity against damage to said property while in its possession, incidental wear and tear excepted . SEC . 12 . None of the authority herein granted shall be exercised by any of the officials herein mentioned, in such manner as to con- flict with permits granted or arrangements heretofore made with the Boy Scouts of America under the terms of Public Act Numbered 23, Seventy-fourth Congress, approved April 1 1935, or any amend- ments thereto, or with any other permits heretofore regularly granted f or the u se of s uch publ ic spac e, reser vations , parks, street s, or buildings . SeC. 13 . All provisions of this Act shall apply to the Thirty-fifth Annual Session of the Imperial Council Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, to be held in the District of Columbia from August 16 to August 23, 1935, and to the general c ommittee of arr angement s of su ch sessi on . Approved, August 17, 1935 .