Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/913

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74r CONGRESS . SESS. I . CHS . 695-697 . AUGUST 26, 1935. Prov iso.

the sender until after the expiration of the prescribed period : Pro- Exe mpting ex- changes wit h island vided, That no demurrage shall be charged on collect-on-delivery possessions .

parcels exchanged between post offices in continental United States and post offices in the Territories and island possessions of the United States." Approved, August 26, 1935. August 26, 1935 .

[H. R.7678.] (Pu bli c, No . 342.] Daniel Boone, com- memorative coin . Design . Vo1 . 48, p. 807, amended . [CHAPTER 696.1 AN ACT To authorize the Director of the Mint to supplement the approved design of the 50-cent piece commemorating the two hundredth anniversary of the birth of Daniel Boone, the coinage of which was authorized by Act of the Seventy- third Congress (Public, Numbered 258, S . 3355) . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Un ited State s o f Ameri ca in Cong ress a ssemb led, Tha t, ina smuch as the annual change in coinage date required by law has caused the removal of the commemorative date of 1934 from the design originally approved and in use for the coinage of the 50-cent pieces comm emo rat ing the two hundredth anniversary of the bir th of Dani el Bo one, a uthor ized by th e Seve nty-t hird Congre ss in Publ ic Act Numbered 258 (S . 3355), the Director of the Mint, with the appro val of th e Sec reta ry of the Trea sury, be, and is h ereby , aut hor- ized to s upplement the said design so that the reverse of sa id 50-cent piece will show the figures "1934" immediately above the words ~~ pioneer ye ar" . Approved, August 26, 1935 . Aug ust 28, 1935

[CHAPTER 697 .1 AN ACT .

[H. R. 8598.] To provide for the inspection and regulation of vessels engaged in the transpor- [Public, No. 343 .] - tation of inflammable, explosive, and like dangerous cargoes in navigable waters of the United States . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Transportation of United States o f America in Congress assembled, That no vessel, dang erous carg oes in regardless of size or rig, excepti ng public vessels o f the United navigable waters . States, shall transport on the navigable waters of the United States, from point to point in the contine ntal United States, any inflam- mable, explosive, or like dangerous cargo or anchor in such waters or go into drydock for repairs while having on board such dangerous Inspection of vessels cargo, until s uch vessel has been inspected by the bo ard of local en gaged in. inspectors to determine that such cargo may be carried on such vessel with safety, and a permit issued to her for the presence on board of such cargo, which permit shall be framed und er glass and posted in a conspicuous part of the vessel. Rules, etc., to be The Secre tary of Commerce is authorized and direc ted to promul- prom ulgated . gate rules and regulations concerning construction, the appliances, and apparatus for stowage, of vessels used in the transportation of inflammable, explosive, or like dangerous cargo on said vessels in order to preserve life and property while in operation or at anchor. The local board of inspectors shall not issue a permit to any vessel until it finds that said vessel is in substantial compliance with the rules and regulations promulgated by the Secretary of Commerce Proviso .

Prov ided, That t his Act shall not ap ply to a vessel cove red by an E xemptions , unexpired certificate of inspection duly issued in accordance with law by the local inspectors of the Bureau of Marine Inspection and Navigation or, if a foreign vessel, by an unexpired certificate of