Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/915

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747u CONGRESS . SESS . I. CH S. 699, 700, 701 . AUGUST 26, 1935 . poses of this Act, to carry on the work of survey and location of the route for such hi ghway, a nd of t he const ruction thereof after su ch route shall have been determined and approved by the President . And such agency or officials, so designated or appointed by the President hereund er, shal l be, a nd they are here by, auth orized a nd empowered to communicate directly with a like agency or officials to be appointed by the Government of the Dominion of Canada, for the purpose of coordinating and expediting the work of such survey, location, and construction of such highway, Approved, August 26, 1935 . [CHA PTER 700 .] JOINT RESOLUTION Augus

[H.J . t 26,

Res . 2 651s 35.] .

Pert aini ng t o an app ropr iate cele brat ion of t he f our hundr edth ann iver sary of ' [Pub . Res ., No. 57.]

the expedition of Hernando De Soto . Four hundredth an- Whereas we are approaching the four hundredth anniversary of the ofHerny of expedi tion of H ernan do De Soto .

ex pedit ion of Herna ndo De Soto, the first and m ost im posing Preamble.

expedition ever made by Europeans into the wilds of North America; and Whereas i t is des ired tha t this four hun dredth a nniversa ry of th at great expedition be properly celebrated and markers placed at such points along the route of said expedition as may be definitely determined and established after thorough investigation; and Whereas it is necessary to have a committee or commission to make a proper study and report back to Congress its recommendations for such a celebration : Therefore be it Resolv ed by the Senate and House of Representatives of the commission author- United ized to study and report States of America in Congress assembled, That the President recommendations for observance of.

of the Un ited Sta tes be, and he is hereb y, autho rized to appoint a P ost, p. 1386 . commission consisting of not fewer than five nor more than seven members, to make a thorough study of the subject of De Soto's expe- dition and to report back to the next session of Congress its recom- mendations for a suitable and appropriate celebration of the four hundredth anniversary of said expedition . Appropriation au- That in order to meet the necessary expenses of said commission thor ized . there is hereby a uthorize d to be appropr iated, o ut of an y money in the Unite d States Treasur y not o therwise appropr iated, s uch sum or sums as m ay be ne cessary to pay the expe nses of said com mission in making this investigation, preparing and filing its reports and re commenda tions to Congres s, not t o exceed $5,000 . Approved, August 26, 1935 . A ugust 26, 1935 . [H.J.Res.350.] [CHAPTER 701 .] JOINT RESOLUTION To authorize the President to extend an invitation to the World Power Conference [Pu b. Res ., No. 58.]

to hold the Third World Power Conference in the United States. Resolved by the Sena te and House of Representatives of the T hird Wor ld P ower United States of America in Congress assembled, That the President Conference. Invitation to hold, in be, and hereby is, auth orized a nd reque sted to extend t o the Wo rld united states, author- ized .

Power Conference an invitation to ho ld the Third World Power Conference in the United States in 1936 and 1937 . $um for expenses .

SEC. 2. That the sum of $75,000, or so much thereof as may be P ost, p . 112 4.

necessary, is hereby authorized to be appropriated for the expenses of organizing and holding the Third World Power Conference, P ersonal servic es . including personal services in the District of Columbia and elsewhere