Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/940

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74TH CONGRESS . SESS. I. CHS . 751-753 . AUGUST 27, 1935.

895 [CHAPTER 751 .] AN ACT To provi de for a recreatio n area wi thin the P rescott N ational F orest, Ar izona . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives o the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the Secre- tary of Agriculture is hereby authorized in his discretion to desig- nate and segregate for recreational development any lands not to exceed four thousand acres within the Prescott National Forest, Arizona, which in his opinion, are available for such purpos e, and he is hereby authorized to enter into such form of cooperative agree- ment with, or issue such permits to the city of Phoenix, Arizona, for occupancy of said area for recreation purposes as in his opinion will permit the fullest use of the lands for such purposes without inter- fering with the object for which the national forest was established . Lands so designated and segregated under the provisions of this Act shall not be subject to the mining laws of the United States : Pro- Esl sii ng locations vided, however, That such designation and segregation shall not not affected . affect valid existing mineral locations of record on the date of such segregation so long as such locations are legally maintained . Approved, August 27, 1935 . [CHAPTER 752 .] [CHAPTER 753 .] August 27, 1935 . [S. 2649 .] [Public, No. 358.] Prescott Nationa l Forest, Ariz . Segregation of por- tion, for recreational uses . Cooperative agree- me nt w ith Phoenix, Ariz . Minin g law s wai ved . AN ACT August 27, 1935 . To ex tend the times for co mmencin g and c ompletin g the c onstruc tion of a [S. 2681.1 bridge across Lake Champlain at or near West Swanton, Vermont .

[Public, No . 359.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the times for commenc ing and completing the constru ction of a bridge across Lake Ch amplai n, at or nea r West Swant on, Ve rmont, autho rized to be built by the State Board of Public Works of the State of Vermont, by an Act of Congress approved June 18, 1934, are hereb y exte nded one and three years, respectively, from the date of approval hereof . SEC. 2. The right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserve. Appro ved, A ugust 27, 1935 . Lake Champlain. Time ext ende d for bridgin g, at west Sw an- ton,Vt. Vol . 48, p . 9 88, amen ded . Amendment . AN ACT To pe rmit cons truction maintenan ce and use of certain pipe lines for petroleum August327o 27, .] 1935, and pet roleum pr oducts in the Dist rict of Co lumbia .

[Public, No.360.1 Be it enacted b y the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, Th at the Com- Di stri ct of Col umbi a . missioners of the District of Columbia be, and are hereby, authorized may Decatur certain pi pe Corporation p pe and e mpower ed to grant permis sion t o the Decatu r Cor porati on, lines . a corporation organized in the State of Delaware, owner of that part of sq uare 1067, bounded by L Street Southeast on the north, Fourteenth Street Southeast on the west, Fifteenth Street Southeast on the east, and to the right-of-way of the Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington Railroad on the south, in the city of Washington in the District of Columbia, its successors and assigns, to lay down, construct, maintain, and use not more than five pipe lines for the' carriage of petroleum and petroleum products from a point or points north of said railroad right-of-way within square 1067, in and through Fifteenth Street So utheast due south to the pier- head line of the Anacostia River . SEC. 2. That all the construction and use provided for herein Cons true t i o n shall be under such regulations and rentals as the Commissioners and use .