Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/981

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74TH CONGRESS . SESS . I. CH. 779. AUGUST 27, 1935 . req uire ment by any sign ator y St ate impo sing any add itio nal con- ditions and restrictions to further lessen or prevent the pollution of wate rs withi n its jur isdictio n . ART ICL E X Commission's orders

1 . Subject to the provisions of this compact, the commission, as concerning sewage treatment . soon as may be after its organization, after an investigation and after co nducting public he arings upo n due not ice, shal l by orde r prescribe the reasonable date on or before which each municipality or other entity discharging sewage into the designated waters within the district shall be treating such sewage in accordance with the standards specified in this compact . Such order may prescribe that certain specific progress shall be made at certain definite times prior to the f inal dat e fixed in such order . It is the desire of all parties to accomplish the objects herein set forth with the least possible injury to investments which have already been made in the c onstructio n of sewa ge-treatm ent plant s within the district, and where changes or additions to such plants would be necessary to conform to the standards herein adopted, a reasonable time to effect such changes or additions may, in the discretion of the commission, be granted . ARTICLE XI Duties and oblige-

1 . Each of the signatory States agrees that it will prohibit the tion s of sig nat ory j stat es . pollution of the said waters within the district in accordance with the several articles of this compact ., and that it will enact suitable and adequate legislation which will accomplish effectively the objects of this compact and which will enable its officers, departments, boards, and agents to accomplish satisfactorily the obligations and duties assumed by the State under the terms of this compact ; and it is f urther a greed tha t the co urts of the seve ral Stat es shall have urisdicion 1 to enforce as against any person, corporation, munici- pality, or other entity or any employee, department, or subdivision of the respective signatory States any and all provisions of this compact. In ves tiga tion s au-

The commission shall have authority to investigate and deter- thorized . mine if the requirements of the compact and/or the orders of the commission pursuant thereto are complied with and if satisfactory progress has not been made, to bring action in its own name in the proper court or courts to compel the enforcement of any and all of the provisions of this compact, and/or the orders of the com- mission pursuant thereto . ARtiCLE XII Cooperation with

1 . In order that future pollution be controlled and existing states . pollution be abated with the greatest possible economy and efficiency, the commission shall cooperate and advise with the respective State and district authorities having jurisdiction over stream pol- lution, with a view to c oordinat ing thei r activi ties and securin g the most satisfactory results at lower cost . For such purpose the com- mission may prepare a general plan of the most practicable and econ omic al m ethod of secu ring conf ormi ty w ith the stand ards herein set forth, having in view the future growth and develop- ment of the dist rict . S uch plan when completed shall be sub- mitted to the Governor and the Legislature of each State and to the State agency or agencies or district agencies in charge of sewage problems . 'So in original.