Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/994

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74TH CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 794. AUGUS T 28, 1935 .

949 (e) In paymen t of any co ntribu tion, a frac tional part of a c ent F ractio nal pa rt of shall be disregarded unless it amounts to one-half cent or more, in cent l which case it shall be increased to 1 cent . DISTRICT C ONTRIBUtiONS SEC. 5 . (a) The District of Columbia shall pay contributions, in addition to its contributions as an employer, in the following amounts : For the calendar year 1936, $100,000 ; for the calendar year 1937, $125,000 ; and for the calendar year 1938, $175,000 . (b) The contributions required by this section for each calendar year shall be paid by the District to the Board, and shall, immedi- ately upon receipt by the Board, be paid into the District Unemploy- ment Fund . APP ROPRIA tiONS

Appropriations. SEC . 6 . There is hereby authorized to be appropriated to the District for each fiscal year, commencing with the fiscal year ending June 30, 1936, such sum as may be necessary to permit the District to pay the contributions required of it under this Act . DEP OSIT IN U NEMPL OYMEN T TRU ST F UnD SEC. 7. All moneys received in the District Unemployment Fund from sources other than the Unemployment Trust Fund shall be immedi ately paid o ver to the S ecreta ry of the Tr easury to th e credit of the Unemployment Trust Fund to be held in trust for the Distri ct upo n the terms and co nditio ns pro vided in sec tion 904 of the Social Security Act . AMOUNT AND DURATION OF BENEFITS

Amount and dura- tion of benefits . SEC. 8. (a) Subject to the provisions of subsections (b) and (c) weekly payme nt of of this section, the Board shall pay, from the District Unemployment benefit . Fund, to every eligible individual (1) with respect to each week, commencing with the week beginning January 2, 1938, in which such individual was totally unemployed, a week's benefit, which shall be amount . Pputation of an amount, computed to the nearest half-dollar, equal to 40 per centum of his weekly wage, plus 10 per centum of such weekly wage if he has a dependent spouse, plus an additional 5 per centum of such weekly wage for each dependent relative : Provided, That in

ion on total no case shall the amount paid to any such individual for any week amount . exceed $15, or 65 per centum of his weekly wage, whichever is the lesser ; and (2) with respect to each week commencing with the week beginning January 2, 1938, in which such individual was partially unemp loyed, an am ount w hich w hen ad ded to the t otal amount of remuneration (of any nature whatsoever) payable for services per- formed by such individual during such week, will total $2 more than the week's benefit to which he would be entitled if totally unemployed durin g such week . (b) With respec t to unempl oyment occur ring w ithin any pe riod o f Previous employ . ment . fifty -two w eeks, benefi ts sha ll be payabl e to e very e ligibl e unem ployed individual (1) in the ratio of one-third of a week's benefit to each credit week which occurred within the period of one hundred and four weeks ending with the week in which he was last engaged in employment, until a total amount equivalent to sixteen times a week's benefit has been paid to him ; and (2) after such total has been paid, in the ratio of one-twentieth of a week's benefit to each credit week which occurred within the period of two hundred and sixty weeks ending with the week in which he was last engaged in employment . District contribu- tions . Amounts, cal end ar years 1930-1938 . Payment . Sum authorized . P ost, pp . 1611, 1858 . Deposit in Unem. ployment Trust Fund. Payment . Ante, p.640.