Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/996

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74TH CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH . 794. AUGU ST 28, 1935 .

951 and each employer shall post one of such copies on each of his Posting. premises in a cons picuous an d easily a ccessible place and shall furn ish a copy to each individual who leaves his employ . DISQUALIFICATION FOR BENEFITS SEC. 11 . (a) An individual who has left his work voluntarily without good cause, as determined by the Board under regulations prescr ibed by it , shall no t be eligi ble for be nefits wit h respect to the week in which he so left nor with respect to the three weeks immedi- ately following . i (b ) An indiv idual who has b een d ischa rged for m iscon duct occur - ring i n the cour se of his work, prov ed to the satisfacti on of the Board, shall not be eligible for benefits with respect to the week in which suc h dis charg e occ urred nor with respe ct to such addi tiona l num ber of weeks immediately following (not less than one nor more than six) as the Board may determine, under regulations prescribed by it, n p roportion to the degree of such misconduct . (c) If an individual otherwise eligible for benefits fails, without good cause as determined by the Board under reg ulations prescribed by it, either to apply for new work found by th e Board to be suit- able when notified by any employment office, or to accept any such work when offered to him, he shall not be eligible for benefits with respect to the week in which such failure occur red nor with respect to t he th ree w eeks immed iatel y fol lowin g . In determ ining whe ther or not work is suitable within the meaning of this subsection the Board shall consider (1) the physical fitness and prior training and experience of the individual, (2) the distance of the place of work from the individual's place of residence, and (3) the risk involved as to health, safety, or morals . Benefits shall not be denied to any otherwise eligible individual for refusing to accept new work under any of the following conditions : (1) If the position offered is vacant due directly to a strike, lockout, or other labor dispute ; (2) if the wages, hours, or other conditions of the work offered are less favo rable to t he in divid ual t han t hose preva iling for simil ar wo rk in the locality ; (3) if as a condition of being employed the indi- vi du a l wo ul d -be required to join a company union or to resig n from or refrain from joining any bona fide labor organization . (d) If an individual under twenty-one years of age otherwise eligible for benefits fails, without good cause as determined by the Board under regulations prescribed by it, to attend courses ata vocatio nal or ot her scho ol when r ecommend ed by the manager of the employment office or by the Board and such courses are available at public expense, he shall not be eligible for benefits with respect to any week in which such failure occurred . DETERMINATION OF CLAIMS SEC. 12 . (a) As soon as possible after an individual h as filed a claim for benefits, an agent of the Board desig nated by it for such purp ose s hall deter mine wheth er or not such indiv idual is e ntitl ed thereto and, if su ch individ ual is fou nd to be s o entitled , shall de ter- mine the week with respect to which payments will commence and the amount of the payments per week . Upon such determination, the agent shall give notice thereof to such individual and to his most recent employer, and benefits shall be paid or denied accordingly ; but either party may file an appeal to the Board from such deter- mination within ten days after such notification was delivered to him or mailed to him at his last known address, and in the event Disqua lificat ion for benefits . Wh en voluntarily le av ing w ork w ith out good cause . When discharged for misconduct. Re fus al to work. Individual under twent y-one fai ling to atte nd voc ational , etc ., sc hool . Determination of claims. Filing of claim . Notice required. Appeals .