Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1009

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INTERNATIONAL AIR TRANSPORTATION. OCTOBER 12, 1W9. 3025 For Ozech08lovakia: Dr. V . GIRSA For the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics: KOTZUBINSKY For Venezuela: For ]Tug08la~: Ivo DE GIULLI Additional Protocol With Reference to Article 2 Stgnatures--Contd. Additional Protocol. Ame, p. 3001 . Tdhe l High Chont~actingf Paifirties. reserve f todhthemselvehs thhe ngfi'ht p;~t~IT:!IO~1 st::~:: to ecareattetIme0 rat cationor0 a erencetatte rstetc. paragrarh of article 2 of this convention shall not apply to inter- nationa transportation by air performed directly by the state, i~ colonies, protectorates, or mandated territories, or by any other ter- ritory under its sovereignty, suzerainty, or authority. For Germany: R. RICHTER Dr. A . WEGERDT Dr. E . ALBRECHT Dr. OTTO RIESE For Austria: STROBELE REINOEHL For Belgium: BERNARD DE L'EsCAILLE For the United States of Brazil: ALCIBIADES PE~ANHA For Bulgaria: For Ohina: For Denmark: L. INGERSLEV KNUD GREGERSEN For Egypt: For Spain: SILVIO FERNANDEZ-VALLIN For Estonia: For Finland: For France: PIERRE ETIENNE FLANDIN GEORGES RIPERT Signatures.