Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1039

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ARTICLE 13. TR.\ NSIT PARCELS. 1. Each Administration guar- antees the right of transit over its territory, to or from any coun- try with which it has parcel post communication, of parcels origi- nating in or addressed for deliv- ery in the territory of the other contracting Administration. 2. Each Administration shall inform the other to which coun- tries parcels lllay be sent through it as intermediary. 3. To be accepteu for onward transmission, parcels sent by one of the contracting Administra- tions through the service of the other Administration lllust com- ply with the conditions prescribed from time to time by the inter- mediary Administration. AHTICLE 14. CHECI{ BY OFFICE OF EXCHANGE. 1. On the receipt of a Parcel

Mail, the receiving office of ex-

change shall check it. The in- sured parcels must be carefully compared with the accompanying bills. Any discrepancies or ir- regularities noted shall be imme- diately reported to the dispatch- ing office of exchange by means of a bulletin of verification. If report is not made promptly, it will be assumed that the mail and the accompanying bills were in eYery respect in proper order. 2. In the case of any discrep- ancies or irregularities in a mail, lo;uch record shall be kept as will permit of the furnishing of in- formation regarding the matter in connection with any subse- quent investigation or claim for indemnity which may be made. 3. If a parcel bill is missing a duplicate shall be made out and a copy sent to the dispatching of- fice of exchange from which the dispatch was received. 3055 ARTIKKEL 13. TRANSITTPAKKER. Transit parcels. 1. H vert postverk garanterer Right of transit guar· '1 . d . Bllteed. rett tl transItt over ets terrl- torium til eller fra hvilket som heIst land 80m det hal' pakke- utveksling med, for pakker som er utgatt fra eller bestemt til utlevering i det annet kontra- herende land. 2. Hvert postverk skal gi det Notice. annet underretning om de land som det kan sendes pakker til ved dets mellemkomst. 3. For a kunne gil i transitt rna Co~dltl~ns to be kk df compiled with. pa ersomsenes raettavde kontraherende postverk gjennem det annet, vrere i ovcrensstculluelse med de forskrifter som Ira tid til annen fastsettes av det mellem- liggende postverk. ARTIKKEL 14. KONTROLL VED "()TVEKSLIXGS- KONTORENE. Check by offilX' ot exchange. 1. Mottagerutvekslingskonto- onr~~Y of rel'l'idng ret skal kontrollere den ankomne pakkepost. Verdipakkene ma. omhyggelig sammenholdes med det medf~lgende pakkepostkart. Enhver uoverensstemmelse eHer uregelmessighet skal ~ieblikkelig meldes til avsenderntvekslings- lwntoret vcd en tilbakemclding. H vis tilbakemelding ikke er sendt straks, viI det bli gatt ut fra at posten og de medf~lgende karter hal' vrert i orden i enhyer henseende. 2. Dersom c.let opdaCTes nONen .Record of discr~pan. b b cws uoverensstenunelse ellel' uregel- . m~"Sighet i en kartuvslutning, skal det gj~res npdvendige note- ringer slik at det kan gis tilstrek- kelige oplysninger om forholdet i tilfeHe a v senere underspkelser elIer krav om erst-atning. 3. H vis pakkepostkart mang- Duplicate parel') hill. leI', skal det utfcrdiges et dupli- kat og en kopi skal sendes til det utvekslingskontor som kartav- f:lutningen er 11l0ltatt fra.