Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1123

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PARCEL POST AGREEMENT-MALAYA. January 21, 1936. March 22,19~ 3139 14. The country respoD;sible for.the loss rifling or damage and on tr:~:r:~t to ClOUD- whose account payment IS made IS bound to repay to the country making payment on its behalf, without delay and within not more than llIne months after receiving notice of payment, the amount of indemnity paid. 15. ReImbursements for indemnity from one country to the other goTheTarmstroBot (talk)ment on shall be made on the gold basis. 16. Repayments are to be made free of cost to the creditor country Means to be used. by means of either a money order or a draft, in money valid in the creditor country, or by such other means as may be mutually agreed upon by c<?rrespondence. 17. UntIl the contrary is proyetl, responsibility for an insured ;R~ponsibility of re- I .I I 1.1h' . d1 . h celVlDg country unable parce rests WIt 1 t le country WlIC 1 avmg receive t 1e parcel WIt - t?showproperdisposi- out making any observations and being furnished all necessary tlOn. particulars for inquiry is unable to show its proper disposition. 18. Responsibility for loss riflinO' or damao'e of an insured parcel Despntc.hingo~cere- • '. • . b.. ~ sponslble lfloss dISCOV- dIscovered to be nussmg by the rccel vmg office of exchange at the ercd by receiving o1fice. time of opening the receptacles and duly notified to the despatching offiC'e of exchange by bulletin of yerification~ shall fall upon the Post Office to which the despatching office of exchange is subordinate unless it be proyed that the loss rifling or damage occurred in the serYicc of the rc('ciyjng Post orncC'. If the loss, rifling' or damage occurred in the course of conyeyance Loss in transit. and it should not be possible to ascertain on the territory or in the service of which country the loss, rifling or damage took place the indemnity shall be shared equally. 19. The responsibility of properly enclosing, packing, and sealing Responsibility for . lIt 1 I d tIl' f proper packmg etc. Il1Snr('( parce s res s upon t H~ s('l1( er, an · le posta servIce 0 ' . neither country will a~sllme liability for loss rifling or damage arising from defects which may not be observed at the time of posting. XIII. TRAXSIT PARCELS. Transit parcels. 1. Each Post Office guarnntees the rjO'ht of transit owr its terri- Right of transit guar- f . 1117I.1 It aDh>(l(1. torY. to or rom any country Wit 1 WIllC 1 It las parce pos com- munication, of parcels originating in or addressed for delivery in the territory of the other contracting Post Otlice. 2. Each Post Office shall inform the other to whirh countries 1\otil'e. par('('ls may be scnt throngh it as intermediary. 3. To be accepted for onward transmission narcels sent bY one of Con?itio~s to be . ' ...- '" comphed With. the contractmg Post Offices through the serVlce of the other Post Office must comply with the conditions prescribed from time to time by the intermediary Post Office. XIV. CHECK BY OFFICE OF EXCIIAXGE. ("hP<'k by office of ex('ban~e. 1. On the receipt of a parcel mail, the recci,-ing office of ex(·hange puty of recei\'ing shall check it. Insured and ordinary parcels (when particulars of ofh('e . the latter are advised) mnst be carefully compared lith the aecom- panying bills. Any discrepancies or irregularities noted shall be immediately repol't('d to the despatching office of exchange by means of a bulletin of verification. If report is not made promptly it will be assuml'rl that the mail und the accompanying bills were in every respect in proper order.