Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1180

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3196 EXEMPTION, MILITA.RY SERVICE-SWEDEN. JAN . 31, 1903. ARTICLE 1. ARTIKEL 1. Military service. I!tc. A nerson possessing the na- Per son POSS&;SlDg. of" • dual nationaJit.y. tlOnahty of both the HIgh Con- Den, som ar bAda de hoga for- dragsslutande partemas medbor- gare och vanligen ar bosatt inom den ena partens omrAde och fak- tiskt ager niirmast samhorighet med denna part, skall vara. befriad frAn alIa militara forpliktelser inom den andra partens omrAde. Ratification. Effective date. Signatures. R a tlflcatlons ex- changed. Entering Into force. Proclamation. tracting Parties who habitually resides in the territory of one of them and who is in fact most closely connected with that Party shall be exempt from all military obligations in the territory of the other Party. ARTICLE 2. The present Convention shall be ratified bv the President of the United States of America, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate thereof, and by His :f\,Iaj- esty the King of Sweden with the consent of the Riksdag of Sweden and shall enter in effect three months after the exchange of rati- fications at Washington and shall remain in force until the expira- tion of six months from the day on whieh one of the Parties shall have given notice to the other for its termination. In witness whereof the respec- tive Plenipotentiaries have signed the present Convention in dupli- cate in the English and Swedish languages and have thereunto affixed their seals. Done at Stockholm the 31st day of January, 1933. JOHN MOTLEY MOREHEAD. [SEAL] ARTIKEL 2. Denno. konvention skall ratifi- ceras av Hans Majestat Konun- gen av Sverige med svenska Riksdagens samtycke och av Amerikas Forenta Staters Presi- dent efter horande och med samtycke av Forenta Statemas Senat. Den skall trada i kraft tre manader fran det ratifikations- instrumenten utvaxlats i Wash- ington och skall galla intill dess sex manader forfiutit frAn det densamma blivit av nagondera parten uppsagd. Till bekraftelse harav hava de fullmaktige undertecknat denna konvention i t,va exemplar, vart- dera utfardat A svenska och en- gelska sprAken, oeh forsett den- samma med sina sigill. 80m skedde i Stockholm den 31 januari 1933. OSTEN U NDEN [SEAL] AND WHEREAS, the said Convention hus been duly ratified on both parts and the ratifications of the two Governments were exchanged at the city of Washington on the twentieth day of February, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-five; AND WHEREAS, in accordance with a provision of Article 2 of the said Convention, the Convention entered into effect on the twentieth day of May, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-five; Now, THEREFORE, be it known that I, Franklin D. Roosevelt, President of the United States of America, have caused the said Convention to be made public, to the end that the same and every article and clause thereof may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the United States of America and the citizens thereof.