Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/161

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74TH CONGRESS. SESS. I . CHS.702-704. AUGUST 26,1935. [CHAP'fER 702.] AN ACT For the relief of William E. Williams. 2177 Aucuat 38, l~. [8.18.) IPrt., .te, No. 2Uln-- Be it eMCted by the Senn,te and H0'U8e of Repre8entative, of the United Statea 01 America in Oongre88 aB8embled, That the provisions ::=~;~=: and limitations of sections 15 to 20, both inclusive, of the Act entitled ees' CompeuatloD Act "An Act to provide compensation for employees of the United uTarmstroBot (talk): 746. States suft'ering injuries wbile in the performance of their duties, r. s . ('., p. 100. and for other 'purposes", approved September 7, 1916, as amended, are hereby waIved in the case of William E. Williams (claim num- bered 398860); and the United States Employees' Compensation Commission is authorized and directed to consider and act upon any claim filed with the Commission within one year after the date of the enactment of this Act, by said William E. Williams for compen- sation under the provisions of said Act of September 7, 1916. as amended, for disability alleged to be due to injuries received by him while employed on the lighthouse tender Manzanita at AStoria, Oregon, in January 1932 : Provided, That compensation, if any, shall Prrwi30. Payments. be paid from and after the date of enactment of this Act. Approved, August 26, 1935. [CHAPTER 703.] AN ACT AUCtlSt 26 11135. Conferring jurisdiction upon the Court of Claims of the United States to hear, ___[S~17.L __ consider, and render judgment on the claim of Squaw Island Freight Terminal [Private, No. 2119.) Company, Incorporated, of Buffalo, New York, against the United States in respect of loss of property occasioned by the breaking of a Government dike on Squaw Island. Be it enacted by the Senate and H ou..~e 01 Representatives 01 tlu: United States 01 America in Oongress aB8emhled, That ~urisdiction TSquar~~dFreight is hereby conferred upon the Court of Claims of the Umted States, In':.!rf:ia~. ompany, notwithstanding the lapse of time or any statute of limitations or cTarmstroBot (talk)'t ~f cra~~d to other limitations upon the jurisdiction of such court, to hear, con- sider, and render judgment on the claim of Squaw Island Freight Terminal Company, Incorporated, for just compensation to it for loss of property and/or damages occasioned by the breaking of an inadequate and/or improperly and insufficiently constructed Govern- ment dike on Squaw Island between Black Rock Canal and the Niagara River in December 1921 and J anual'Y 1922. Approved, August 26, 1935. [CHAPTER 704.] AX ACT For the relief of Helen Gallagher Dominian. A~t 26, 11135. \8.331111.] [Private. No-: -300 .J Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives 01 the United States of America in Congress aBsembled, That the Secretary lIe.len Oallll~hpr of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed tOlay, Dpn;TarmstroBot (talk)t to. out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriate , to Helen Gallagher Dominian, widow of Leon Dominian, late Foreign Service officer, class 3, Montevideo, Uruguay, the sum of $7,800, being one year's salary of her deceased husband who died while in the Foreign Service; and there is hereby authorized to be appro- priated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropri- ated, a sufficient sum to carry out the purpose of this Act. Approved, August 26, 1935.