Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1672

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!l67A COMMERCIAL RELATIONS-CZECHOSLOVAKIA. to the method of levying such duties or charges, and with respect to all rules and formalities in connection with importation or exportation, and with respect to all laws or regulations affecting the sale, taxation or use of imported goods within the country, any advantage, fayor, privilege or immunity which has been or may hereafter be granted by the United States of America or the Czechoslovak Republic to any article originating in or destined for any third country, shall be accorded immediately and unconditionally to the like article originat- ing in or destined for the Czechoslovak Republic or the United States of America, respectively. 2. If the Government of the United States of America or the Gov- ernment of the Czechoslovak Republic establishes or maintains, directly or indirectly, any form of control of foreign exchange, it shall administer such control so as to insure that the nationals and com- merce of the other country will be granted a fair and equitable share in the allotment of exchange. 3. If the Government of the United States of America or the Gov- ernment of the Czechoslovak Republic establishes or maintains any form of quantitative restriction or control of the importation or sale of any article, or imposes a lower duty or charge on the importation or sale of a specified quantity of any such article than the duty or charge imposed on importations in excess of such quantity, it shall accord fair and equitable treatment to the commerce of the other coun- try in respect of the allotment among exporting countries of the total quantity, as originally established or as changed in any manner, of any such article permitted to be imported or sold or permitted to be imported or sold at such lower duty or charge. 4. The advantages now accorded or which may hereafter be ac- corded by the United States of A.n).erica or the Czechoslovak Republic to adjacent countries in order to facilitate frontier traffic, and advan- tages resulting from a customs union to which either the United States of America or the Czechoslovak Republic may become a party, shall be excepted from the operation of this Agreement. The Czechoslovak Government will not invoke the provisions of this Agreement to obtain the advantages now accorded or which may hereafter be accorded by the United States of Amp,rica, its territories and possessions, the Philippine Islands, and the Panama Canal Zone to one another or to the Republic of Cuba. The United States will not invoke the provisions of the present temporary agreement to obtain the advantages which have been or may be accorded by the Czechoslovak Republic to Austria or Hun- gary. The United States will refrain from invoking the present temporary agreement to obtain advantages which the Czechosloyak Republic is at present according to the commerce of Yugoslavia and Rumania, pending a satisfactory agreement with respect to this matter in con- n6ction with a comprehensive tradEi agreement between the two countries.