Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1736

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3742 RaUIIDS or quotWi. RECIPROCAL TRADE-HAITI . MARCH 28, 1935. in connection with importation or exportation, any advantage, fa- vor, privilege or immunity which has been or may hereafter be granted by the United States of America or the Republic of Haiti to any article originating in or destined for any third country, shall be accorded immediately and unconditionally to the like article originating in or destined for the Republic of Haiti or the United States of America, respec- tively. Without prejudice to the pro- visions of Article VI of this Agreement, neither the United States of America nor the Repub- lic of Haiti shall establish any prohibition or maintain any re- striction on imports from the territory of the other country which is not applied to the im- portation of any like article originating in any third country. Without prejudice to the provi- sions of Article VI of this Agree- ment, any abolition of an import prohibition or restriction which may be granted even temporarily by the United States of America or the Republic of Haiti in favor of an article of a third country shall be applied immediately and unconditionally to the like article originating in the territory of the Republic of Haiti or the United States of America, respectively. In the event of rations or quotas being established by the United States of America or the Republic of Haiti for the importation of any article restricted or prohibited, it is agreed, without l>rejudice to the provisions of Article VI, that in the allocation of the quantity of restricted goods which may be authorized for importation, the other country will be granted a share- equivalent to the propor- tion of the trade which it en- joyed in a previous representative period. tes relatives a l'importation ou a l'exportation, tout avantage, fa- veur, privilege ou inununite qui aura ete ou sera a l'avenir ac- corde par les Etats-Unis d'Ame- rique ou de la Republique d'Haiti a tout article originaired'un tiers pays ou y destine, sera immedia- tement et sans condition accord6 a l'article semblable, originaire ou destine soit a la Republique d'Haiti soit aux Etats - Unis d'Amerique, respectivement. Sans prejudice des stipulations de l'article VI de cette Con- vention, aucune prohibition ne sera etablie, ni aucune restriction maintenue, soit par les Etats- Upjs d'Amerique sur les importa- tions du territoire d'Haiti, soit par la Republique d'Haiti sur celles du territoire des Etats-Unis d'Amerique, qui ne soit appliquee a l'impol·tation de tout article sembIable originaire d'un tiers pays. Sans prejudice des stipulations de l'artIcle VI de cette Conven- tion, toute ~,bolition d'une prohi- bition a l'importation ou restric- tion qui pourra etre meme tempo- rairement accordee par les Etats- Unis d'.Amerique ou Ia Repu- blique d'Haiti en faveur d'un arti- cle d'un tiers pays sera immediate- ment et inconditionnellement ac- cordee a l'article sembiable origi- noire du territoire de la Repu- blique d'Haiti ou des Etats-Unis d'Amerique, respectivement. Dans Ie cas OU des contingents ou quotites scraient etablis par les Etats-Unis d'Amerique ou la Re- publique d'Haiti a l'importation de tout article contingente ou pro- hibe il est COllvenu, suns prejudice des stipulations de l'article VI que dans l'allocation des contingents de marchandises qui pourront etre autorises a l'importation, il sera accorde a l'autre pays une quotite equivalente a Ia propor- tion de son importation dans une periode anterieure eonsideree nor- mule.