Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1742

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3748 Schedule I. RECIPROCAL TRADE-HAITI. :\IARCH 28, 1935. Haitian Tariff Item Number 40:.! 40i 1304: 1305 1415 1417 2126 2128 9019 11015 11033 11034: 11035 11036 11101 11105 11106 SCIIBDULE I Abbreviations: N.K.-~et Kilo G.K.-Gross Kilo

Description of Articles (Plain glass) not mounted and not set, not specified (Plate glass or cylinder glass) polished, beveled or engraved Conduits and pipes (cast iron) Pipe fittings (cast iron) Pipes or conduits, black, galvanized, polished, painted or not, including stove pipes of wrought iron, steel or malleable cast iron T-joints, elbows, valves, joints, sockets, cocks, taps and pipe or conduit accessories (wrought iron, steel or malleable cast iron) Patent medicines, mixed or comp0und: ing no alcohol or not more than 14 % of alcohol I'harmaceutical products, medicinal prepara- tions, plasters, poultices and empty c&psules, not specified It is understood that the Haitian Department of Health will not impose any certification re- quirement or any formality for the importa- tion, registration, licensing or sale of pharma- ceutical specialties and patent medicines, which will be impossible of fulfillment in the United States of America because of the lack of a duly authorized Federal agency. Hides and skins, tanned and curried: -Goat and kid skins, including glazed kid Electric and electrotechnical machines. ap- paratus and appliances for industrial use, and all other articles now dutiable under this item Radio receiving appliances, equipment and parts Scwing machines: - Hand -Provided with pedal or operated hy pc(lal or motor - Separate or sparc parts Automotive products: -Trucks for the conn'yance of goods - Busses for the conveyallce of passengers -AutoIllohilcs, including vchicles electrically driven !\laximum rates of duties. Specific rates in Haitian Gourdes G.1\:... 0 .15 G.1\:... 0.60 or 30o/c ad valorem G.1\.... 0.06 G.K.. . 0.20 G.K ... 0 .07 G.K ... 0.50 N.K. .. 1.33~~or 33~% ad vaio- rem N.K ... 13% rem 0.66% or ad valo- N. K... 3.10 or 20 % ad valorem 10% ad valorem 15% ad valorem N. K... 1.00 or 10% ad valorem N. J\:... 0.i5 or 10% ad valorcm X.I\: ... 0.i5or 10% ad valorem 10% ad valorcm 15% ad valorem 15 c;:.~. ad valorem