Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1798

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3804 Appendix. STATISTICS OF CAUSES OF DEATH. JUNE 19, 1934. APPENDIX Bya note of July 5, 1934, the British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, referring to the agreement on statistics of causes of death, informed the American Ambassador at London as follows: " ... In accordance with the provisions of the second [third1 paragraph of Article 8 of the Agreement I have the honour to inform Your Excellency that the following declarations under the first para- graph of that Article were received by His :Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom on the date of signature:- "The Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Nort.hem Ireland; applying the Agreement to Newfound- land and Southern Rhodesia j "The Government of the Union of South Africa: applying the A~reement to the Mandated Territory of South-\Vest Africa WIth the exception of Native Areas; "The Government of the Spanish R.epublic: applying the Agree- ment to the Spanish Zone of the Protectorate in :Morocco and to the Spanish Colonies, subject, as regards the latter, to the reservations indicated in paragraphs 1 and 2 of the Protocol of Signature." [No. 80]