Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1812

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3818 UECIPROCAL TRADE-BRAZIL. Control of arms ex· portation, etc. after the date of official publi- cation of notice of such ruling. The provisions of this paragraph do not apply to admInistrative orders imposing anti-dumping duties, or relating to sanitation or public safety, or giving effect to judicial decisions. ARTICLE IX The United States of America and the United States of Brazil retain the right to apply such measures as they respectively may see fit with respect to the control of the export or sale for export of arms, munitions, or implements of war, and, in exceptional circum- stances, of other material needed in war. ARTICLE X u!19:06, 19 November 2014 (UTC)~:~: The Gove~ent of tho "United etc. States of America or the Govern- mElnt of the United States of Brazil, as the case may be, will accord sympathetic consideration to such representations as the other Government may make re- garding the operation of customs regulations, the observance of cus- toms formalities, and the applica- tion of sanitary laws and regula- tions for the protection of human, animal, or plant life. In the event that the Govern- ment of either country makes representations to the Govern- ment of the other country in re- spect of the application of any sanitary law or regulation for the protection of human, animal, or plant life, and if there is disagree- ment with respect thereto, a com- mittee of technical experts on which each Government shall be represented shall, on the request of either Government, be estab- lished to consider the matter and to submit recommendations to the two Governments. Sanitary measures. Whenever practicable each Government, before applying any new measure of a sanitary char- acter, will consult with the Gov- ernmunt of the other country with datE.. da publica~ao official dessa disposiQiio. 0 que neste pars- grapho se estatue niio e appli- cavel as ordens administrativas que imponham direitos contra 0 "dumping", nem as relativas a saude ou seguran~a publica, nem as destinadas a dar cumprimento a senten~as judiciaes. ARTIGO IX Os Estados U nidos do Brasil e os Estados Unidos da America reservam-8e 0 direito de applicar as medidas que respectivamente oonsiderarem convenientes aregu- la.menta~ao da exporta~ao, ou venda para exportaQao, de armas, muni~oes ou instrumentos de guer- ra, e, em circumstancias excep- cionaes, de outros materiaes neces- sarios para a guerra. ARTIGO X o governo dos Estados Unidos do Brasil ou 0 go verno dos Es- tados Unidos da America, con- forme 0 caso, acolhera com sym- pathin as representa~oes feitas pelomtro governo relativamente a execuQao dos regulamentos adua- neiros, ao cumprimento das forma- lidades alfandegarias, e a appli- caQao das leis e regulamentos sani- tarios destinados a protec~ao da vida humana, animal ou vegetal. Se 0 governo de urn dos paizes fizer representaQoes ao do outro quanta a applicaQao de qualquer lei ou regulamento sanitario, des- tinado a protecQao da vida hu- mana, animal ou vegetal, e, se houver desaccordo a esse respeito, constituir-se -a, a pedido de qual- quer delles, uma commissao tech- nica, na qual ambos serao repre- sentados, e que tera por fim examinar a. materia e submetter recommenda~oes aos referidos governos. Sempre que for isso realizavel, o governo de urn ou outr~ pniz, antes de applicar uma. medida. nova. de cltracter sanitario, con- sult-ara, a esse respeito. 0 do